Of Symbiotes, Sworn Enemies, and Chains

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Peter Parker was pissed.

It was taking all he could from fucking punching the wall in anger and resentment, but he knew the building would turn into dust if he did that.

And far be it from Spider-Man, Peter Parker, having even thirty seconds to unwind.

Ever since Peter had taken his body back from that utter waste of air Otto Octavius, Peter had been dogged on from all sides. After he regained his body, no one had come to his aid, barring Johnny Storm and Logan. The Avengers were more than happy to put all the blame on Peter for Otto controlling his body, and the Fantastic Four barring the kids and Johnny wanted nothing to do with Peter. Pfft, so much for being part of the family. Most of the X-Men wanted to kill him anyway, so there was no support from that side.

Well, Peter inwardly amended, it's not like they were wrong for fearing him. They were all dogshit anyways, and he could break them with no effort. Forgetting the fact that Hope Summers, and by extension Nathan Summers, was loyal to him more than the mutants, he had already beat their asses during Secret Wars, and no one could forget how he came out on top when fighting the Phoenix-empowered Magik and Colossus. The X-Men had a healthy dose of fear mixed with respect for him, and he preferred that to having to waste time beating them up.

Then the whole Civil War II bullshit happened, and Peter had never been happier that his engagement with Carol was broken. Well, broken wasn't what really happened, more like the bitch just ran off to space with the ring and came back to date Rhodey. Yeah, confusing.

Honestly, Peter wondered why anyone even liked Hawkeye. Piece of birdshit didn't look after anyone but himself, and everyone knew it. After all, no one forgot when he became Ronin, right? But of course, it's worse when "Peter goes dark." Fucking Avengers and their fucking hypocrisy. Peter really didn't understand why Bruce even trusted Banner with the gamma arrow, because Peter sure as hell knew that if there was anything that could guarantee his death, he would not give it to Clint fucking Barton. But Bruce got better later on, so it wasn't that big of a deal apparently.

Then when he heard that S.H.I.E.L.D. and Carol were going after Miles, he quietly made a lot of problems for S.H.I.E.L.D. Contrary to popular opinion, he wasn't dumb, and could definitely mentally spar with the smartest brains on Earth and off Earth any day. So, when S.H.I.E.L.D. went after Miles, Peter activated some of the contingencies he placed in the tech he provided for them, and made their life hell. In truth, the only reason Miles wasn't imprisoned by SHIELD was because of Peter, but it wasn't like SHIELD or Peter were about to admit it, each of them for their own reasons. Of course, the only drawbacks to saving Miles was that Bobbi didn't "trust" him anymore (as if she ever did trust him,) and Teresa was ordered not to interact with Peter.

As if that wasn't all enough, Felicia was unaware that Otto took over Peter's body, and in an elaborate plan at revenge, became Queenpin of New York Crime and made life hell for Peter.

Then, Hydra took over, and that was the biggest shit storm ever. Apparently, Captain America wasn't Captain America, and if that shit wasn't confusing, then Peter didn't know what was confusing. Otto came back to life like the fucking parasite he was, and Peter was forced to destroy Parker Industries to save the world. Of course, most of his patents were bought by Reed, Wakanda, and Tony. If that didn't stink of the Illuminati setting him up, then Peter would reveal his secret identity.

Peter very vividly remembered Johnny raging at him ready to burn his body into dust when he heard that Peter was selling the Baxter Building, but to both of their surprise Peter broke down and vented about the nonstop problems he'd been facing since Superior Spider-Man.

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