It's Movin' Time!

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"Are you all ready?" Peter asked.

"Yes, Mr. Menace himself, Spider-Venom." Jessica said teasingly.

Peter laughed, then he sobered. "I'm not that bad, are I?"

"Just keep your cool, alright, Pete?" Jessica requested, caressing his cheek.

Peter looked her in the eye for a moment, then he nodded, and she removed her hand.

"And Johnny, you won't get in until I say so, alright?" Peter said, returning to normal. "As far as they expect, we are non confrontational with them."

"We got it, let's just go." Johnny said.

"Alright." Peter said, then he entered the meeting room and left the rest of his family outside.

"Your highnesses." Peter said, greeting Blackagar and Medusalith.

"Spider-Venom." Medusalith said from Blackagar's arm.

After greeting the Royal Family, Peter turned to the last individual in the room.

"Miss Marvel." Peter said neutrally, looking at the young Pakistani heroine.

"Spider-Venom." Miss Marvel said distastefully, looking at Peter's suit.

"Hate the game, not the player." Peter said. "I don't see you having problems with Wolverine, Black Widow, or Winter Soldier."

"That's not -" Kamala began, but Peter cut her off.

"That's not what's going on?" Peter asked. "Well then, let me correct you, little heroine. That's very much what's going on. Let me tell you what's truly going on, Kamala . Your superiors are sending you here to get your asses beaten. -"

"That's enough hostilities." Medusalith said.

"Apologies, your highness." Peter said, sitting down after the Royal Family.

Kamala sat down. "Your highnesses, Spider-Venom is currently a fugitive, and many major governments are calling for his trial. Attilan giving him amnesty does not help your publicity."

"I disagree." Peter said. "Don't get me wrong, a lot of people are angry at Attilan right now. But if you check Twitter, Reddit, or Instagram right now, you'll find that support rates for Attilan have never been higher."

"Attilan is currently being seen as a supporter to a murderer." Kamala shot back.

"And you'll find that 90% of New Yorkers are happy I killed Norman." Peter said. "Even JJJ is happy I killed him."

"This is pointless." Kamala said. "Your highnesses, I think it's obvious that you're not receiving any goodwill from Spider-Venom, nor his company. Surrendering him is your best option right now."

"We recognize your concerns," Medusalith began, "but truthfully, we are fine as is."

Kamala was taken aback by that statement. "What? But I thought -"

"You thought wrong." Peter said. "Blackagar is only at this meeting for formalities, and so as not to cause problems with people, especially the Inhuman Genetic Council or whatever."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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