Surprises, Surprises, and Surprises (No One Really Likes Surprises, Do They?)

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Peter entered his apartment through his window, then dissolved his suit, and paused when he heard four heartbeats rather than just Logan's and Johnny's.

"It's clear, bub." Logan called. "It's just Jess and her runt."

"Don't call my kid a runt again, Logan." Jessica Drew AKA Spider-Woman said.

Peter entered the living room. Logan was sitting at the breakfast nook, and Johnny was lying down on a couch and throwing a stress ball, while Jessica was sitting on a recliner and cradling two-year-old Gerald Drew.

"SINCE WHEN DO YOU HAVE A KID!?" Venom exclaimed so loud in Peter's head that he visibly cringed.

"I don't have a kid." Peter said confusedly. "May was my only kid, and she...well, you know what happened."

"No, Jessica just didn't tell you." Venom said, and Peter frowned as he connected the dots. "Yes, Gerald is yours and hers. How, I don't know."

"Something wrong, bub?" Logan looked at Peter, seeing the anger in his features.

"Why didn't you tell me, Jess?" Peter asked.

"Tell you what?" Jessica asked in a mixture of confusion and nervousness.

"That Gerry was mine?" Peter said.

Jessica sagged in her chair, looking her actual age for a moment.

"Peter, this was during the Second Civil War." Jessica said. "Believe me, when I found out, my first thought was to go to you. But my second thought was that Carol had me under surveillance, and if I could've come to you without us getting arrested or worse, I would. Then I had my problems with the High Evolutionary, and then, well, Hydra took over. Then I gave birth, then I've been so stretched, and so have you." Jessica stood up, cuddling Gerry. "I swear to you, Peter, it's always been one of my greatest wishes for us three to be a family. But... it's not possible. We're both too busy to provide for a child and for us, I'm with Roger, and I'm happy! We can raise him together, but please, for now, let me take care of him?"

"This is my kid, Jess." Peter said, gently taking the baby from Jess's arms. Gerry babbled incomprehensibly, not understanding the discussion around him. "Please don't ask me to let another one go."

"You can come to my place anytime, Peter." Jessica said. "You know I know you're an amazing guy, but I'm not sure we're ready for that."

"Jessica, please." Peter said, tears falling down his cheeks. "I will do anything for my son, believe that. "We don't have to be together or anything. I just- I just want to be there for my son."

Suddenly, Peter's Spider-Sense blared, and he acted within milliseconds, grabbing Logan and Johnny with symbiotic tentacles, placing Gerry in Jessica's hands, and making a dome of Venom over them.

A second later, the walls to the apartment blew open, and many things crashed. Gerry started crying, and Jessica started shushing him.

Peter dissolved the dome and stood up angrily, observing the attackers. It was all of the Avengers from before, as well as Strange.

"Oh, now I'm pissed." Peter said, donning his suit. "Let me guess, you brought them here, Rogers? You're officially on my shit list."

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