Floating In a Cloud of Lies

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Peter woke up as the big spoon to Jessica, who was awake and suckling Gerry.

"Good morning, Pete." Jessica said, leaning her head back into the crook of his neck. 

"Good morning, Jess, and Gerry." Peter said, rubbing his hands over their shoulders in greeting.

"Say good morning to dad, Gerry." Jessica said to Gerry.

Gerry moved his head to look at Peter, then he went back to suckling.

"He said hi!" Peter said with a laugh. 

"Yes, he said hi." Jessica said in an exasperated yet amused tone.

Neither of them said anything, content to sit in silence while Gerry suckled.

When Gerry was done, Jessica closed her clothes back. 

"We have to have our own breakfast." Jessica said.

"We can wait until Johnny or Logan calls us." Peter said.

"Peter…" Jessica said.

"Yes, Jess." Peter said with a laugh, getting up.

Ten minutes later, Peter was putting Gerry into the highchair for breakfast.

"When are we supposed to meet the Inhumans?" Logan asked.

"They said we'll have dinner together, so we have time." Johnny said. "My concern is how was last night, Peter?"

"We have to plan, Johnny." Peter said. "Now's not the time."

"On the contrary, there is no better time." Jessica said. "It's breakfast, Pete. I get it, you're putting your fun side in the backseat, for our sakes. Best way to burn yourself out. So you'll sit your tight ass down and get teased by your friends, and you'll tease them right back."

"Alright, Jess." Peter said, sitting down.

"Whipped." Johnny said. 

"At least I'm in a-" Peter said, then he cut himself off.

"No, continue." Johnny said. "At least you're in a what?"

"He's in a relationship." Jessica said, sitting in between Peter and Gerry.

"Lucky you." Johnny said. "I over speak, and get dumped. You over speak, and you get a girlfriend."

"Work-Wife." Peter corrected.

Logan snorted. "It's a Peter thing. Even Ororo likes Spider-Man, even though she doesn't even know Peter well."

"It's probably because of Anansi." Peter said. 

"Anansi?" Johnny asked.

"African god." Peter explained. "He has a connection to the Web of Life and Destiny. Basically, he's a hands-off and cooler version of the Norse Norns, or the Grecian Moirai."

"What are the Norns and Moirai?" Johnny asked.

"Who." Jessica corrected. "They're weavers of fate, to put it lightly. They decide what's going to happen, and how."

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