4: Siblings to giant cats

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Lesbian Lightswitch, Oriented Aro Ace Idiot, Tree and Remote are online

Lesbian Lightswitch: Welcome bacc members of Death P.A.C.T

Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: H a i

Tree: Hi, What do we talk about now

Lesbian Lightswitch: Talk about ourselves

Remote: Like what?

Lesbian Lightswitch: Like- Our siblings-

Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Good one simp

Lesbian Lightswitch: -

Lesbian Lightswitch: Excuse me- Simp?

Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Yes

Tree: Since when did she say anything about her crush?

Lesbian Lightswitch: I don't even have one!

Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Says the one who runs away when she sees remote

Lesbian Lightswitch: HEY!

Tree: .

Tree: Seriously?

Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Yes

Remote: Okay enough of this nonsense, How's your relationship with your siblings?

Remote: Tree?

Tree: I'm fine with mine, It's just that Birch Tree here is a bit annoying

Tree: Not as annoying as Pillow though

Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Hey-

Dirt Lover is online

Dirt Lover: Hi guys! What are you all talking about?

Dirt Lover: Wait, How is my name dirt lover? It's true but how?

Lesbian Lightswitch: The settings, also we're talking about our siblings

Lesbian Lightswitch: Starting off with tree-

Tree: And now you

Lesbian Lightswitch: His in my username-

Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Lightswitch?

Lesbian Lightswitch: Yep- My dude is cheerful and i luv him and i will protecc him

Dirt Lover: I have a lot of siblings

🅱️en is online

️🅱️en: Yep, i know cousin

Tree: You two are related?

🅱️en: Of course!

Remote: How much Marker?

Dirt Lover: More than 10, I think

🅱️en: You think?

Dirt Lover: Uh yeah?

🅱️en: Bro

Remote: Okay, Pillow, how is your relationship with your siblings

Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: My sister hates me and my brother is why I'm like this :>

Tree: I can feel your sister

Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Dawg shut

Blueberry Pastry and Cinnamon are online

Tree: Oh Bottle

Cinnamon: Hi! :D

Oriented Aro Ace Idiot: Hi there-

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