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Lilly POV
I smile as I follow master to the car, wearing a pair of leggings, a T-shirt, one of masters hoodies (that's way to big for me) and a pair of converse. It's comfy and I don't really care how I look too much, masters ok with my outfit and so that's all that matters to me.

I get in the back, master sits next to me as Alex drives to the studio. Master has his hand resting on my thigh and I can't help but blush a little but stay looking out the window as the car gets closer to his work.

Before I know it, we're pulling up to the studio and Master is looking at me, clearly just to see how I am. I smile back softly and gently squeeze his hand.

"You ready flower? We're here earlier than we have been before so there will be a lot more people around. Please don't speak to anyone without me introducing you or giving you permission to speak - whilst all the workers have signed NDA's, one might happily say something for money from the press, obviously they'd loose their job and be sued, but there might be some insiders. When in my dressing room, if it's just us you can speak freely - if someone comes in, I'll let you know whether you can speak freely or not - is that understood?"

I smile and nod, quickly answering with a soft "yes master I understand" to which he smiles back and softly kisses me. He smiles back and gets out the car, holding my hand and helping me out before I stick close to him as he leads me inside.

Immediately I feel the business with a load more people around than the past few times I've been. I lower my head slightly to give everyone we pass respect and feel all their eyes on me before they look away and go back to whatever they were doing before we arrived. We get to masters dressing room and I relax as I look up and see it's just us, but I don't say anything incase there's someone in here that I don't know. Master looks to me and smiles just about to say something when someone knocks on the door before it opens and a lady walks in with what looks to be a hair & makeup bag.

"Hi Trey! You're here early today so I thought I'd come and get you ready early, is that ok? With all the guests who haven't arrived yet it's easiest to get you done first" Master smiles, clearly annoyed but he nods "Hi Milly - no worries, I'd just like to introduce you to someone first, this is Lilly" he gestures to me and I go over to him, smiling slightly at the lady infront who seems to lose her smile as she scans me over before letting out a 'hmmm' then she finally speaks "it's about time you bought her in to meet us all! I hope when I meet my sub he will be as well behaved!"

I blush slightly and shrink into masters side as he laughs "Lilly is the best thing that's happened to me - I'm sure when you meet your sub, the two of them will get on like a house on fire and cause us no end of trouble! Lilly, if Milly is in here with or without me, feel free to speak to her as and when you'd like unless you're being punished. Same goes for in the halls but please be respectful and remember who else could hear. Also if you ever need me but can't find Alex or I whilst you're here - please go to Milly as she will know, one of my most trusted friends and workers but she will also make sure to tell me if you mess up, wont you Milly?" I smile softly and nod as Milly speaks a quick "Yep, I'm here if you need to chat and yes Trey - I'll let you know if she behaves!"

I smile and speak softly "hi Milly, it's nice to meet you miss" she laughs and shakes her head "please Lilly, just Milly when in here or private - if you feel you need to use a title please just use it if we're in the hall outside where someone can overhear us." I grin and nod happily.

Looking to the door as it opens again and Alex walks in smiling "you've finally met! Thank god - right Trey, would you like me to take Lilly around, I won't introduce her to anyone but just to show her my office or where the cafeteria and toilets are? Then you and Milly can have a probably well needed catch up!" Master laughs a bit and replies "if it's ok with Lilly that would be great Trey, could just say she's a new sub on the team if anyone asks - that shouldn't raise any questions but before the show starts set up a complete crew meeting in the set and I'll introduce her to everyone and let them know she'll probably be around more."

Feeling all three pairs of eyes land on me I slowly nod "would be great if you could show me around Alex, sir." They all laugh a little and master speaks "the same rule goes for Alex, flower, if in private his name is fine - I'm the only one who needs to be addressed as master all the time understood?" I nod and speak softly "yes master" and as I finish speaking he leans down and kisses me softly before gently pushing me off to Alex.

"Good, now go and enjoy your tour and I'll see you in a bit! If you get bored of Alex or miss me too much, let him know and he'll bring you straight back!" I smile and nod as Alex laughs but agrees.

I don't say anything as Alex leads me out, feeling a bit confused as to why Master has never mentioned Milly to me before especially if she's a close friend of his. I know I shouldn't be worrying about it it but there's something going on between them, maybe I'll ask master about it later but for now I'll just enjoy the tour Alex is giving me.

I listen to him as he explains each room, passing workers who give us a strange look but don't question it. He shows me the cafeteria explaining it's free food and as long as he or master knows where I am I can get whatever I want to eat or drink, but I'm sure master won't let me eat junk every day! He then shows me to the bathroom, noticing it's split as sub & dom toilets with a security guard stood at each door before Alex explains that master has his own bathroom in his dressing room so I can use that if needed. Alex also explains that masters dressing room is card access only and they're working on getting my access card sorted - explaining I'll have access to the whole building as Trey is my master before saying that it will probably be a tag that also gets added to my collar so if I lose or forget my card, I can still get everywhere.

He then takes me down the hall to the offices, seeing each important person having one - including master, Alex and the tv director along with the filming & audio teams having their offices. Then we go to the studio or set which seems massive when it's empty, a few workers smile and greet Alex, paying no attention to me until one questions if I'm Treys sub as he thinks he recognises me from somewhere. Alex just explains that there will be an all crew meeting in half an hour and so asks if they could get the word out to everyone, which they quickly agree too and before I know it, one of them is speaking into the mic that goes around the whole building saying everyone needs to be in the studio in 25 minutes but that they'll stream it for those in security and places unable to leave their post.

As Alex leads me away I speak softly "so efficient sir, they obviously want to know what's going on!" Which causes him to laugh as he shows me where the crowd pass through security, get their tickets and their entrance to the studio. A lot of staff seeming to already be making their way there for the best seat, unsure what is happening.

Eventually we get back to masters dressing room and I smile softly as we walk in and I see master clearly 'show ready' in his suit, hair done and the slightest bit of makeup. He's sat on the sofa with Milly in a chair opposite him, deep in conversation but as we walk in Master looks up, stands up and smiles "you're back! I hope Alex didn't bore you to death! Now do you want to change or are you happy to be introduced in those comfy clothes?" I smile and rush over, giving him a hug and then pausing to think before answering his question "happy in these master!" He nods "great! Let's go then - Milly and Alex will be stood beside the stage incase you need to run off ok?" I simply nod and prepare myself for what is about to happen.

Authors Note:
Hey guys! Thanks for the patience - I'm so sorry it's taken me ages to get this chapter out! Hopefully I'll be able to update a little more regularly over the summer.

Thanks for all the support as always!

Posted: 27.07.23 - 1498 words

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