Volume I: XVIII

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I was immensely grateful that we didn't need to walk back to Hogwarts. We all three snuck our way over to the Floo Flame location in Feldcroft. Each of us threw the powder on the ground and whispered clearly, "The Slytherin Common Room."

Air swirled around me, and I began to hear the echoing of the common room. I was luckier this time and landed upon a couch. Ominis was not so fortunate. He ended up beneath me on the floor.

Anne levitated herself and slowly made her way to the ground. She was as much of a show-off as her brother was.

The three of us gathered around the fire. Anne spoke first, "Thank you for completing my brother's trials. I didn't realize he had put so much effort into all of this." She looked over at the pile of books that Sebastian labeled as his own. He had read every book in the stack to attempt to come up with a cure for her.

"I would have died if you had not saved me. I am sorry for all that I had said." Anne's head bowed slightly.

Ominis and I spoke simultaneously.

"It's alright," I said and smiled at her. There hadn't needed to be hard feelings any longer.

Ominis scowled and said, "You should be sorry."

It seemed we weren't on the same page. I laughed nervously. Anne scowled at Ominis.

"Ominis, what is your problem? My brother isn't here anymore, and you finally got your wish. You get to be with her instead of Sebastian." She rolled her eyes, and her face scrunched with annoyance.

"That was not my wish, Anne." Ominis seethed. I could feel the tension between them.

"I should go..." I suggested quietly as I started to get up off the couch.

"NO!" They both yelled at me. I sat back down quickly since I did not want to stir the pot further. My lips pressed together, and my fingers gripped the edge of the couch.

"It just seems you two have a lot to figure out, and I need to speak to Deek." I lied. That should spare me some alone time away from their argument.

Ominis nodded at me. "Go. You're fine. We will figure this out. Either one of us will be dead, or we will make peace." He pulled me close and kissed the top of my head.

"I long for you. I love you," he smiled softly in my direction.

His head turned toward Anne. His smile immediately dropped, and his face was stoic.

Anne smiled and waved at me as she pulled out her wand. I escaped the common room as soon as I heard blasting.

That was one way to finish an argument, I guess. Those two together made me nervous.

I headed down the familiar corridors. I turned a corner to hear voices shouting at one another. I could discern one but not the other.

"He is just a boy, madam. With all due respect, I believe we need more witnesses. We did not even get a wizard or witch to speak on the subject that he was close to." Professor Sharp argued.

The other voice was more hushed as she said, "You know it is not up to me, Aesop. But if more witnesses were to come forward, then we could move the process along. I will see you at the Ministry." She disapparated as soon as she was done speaking.

Professor Sharp walked swiftly out of the library and locked eyes with me. I was against the fountain, and he came and sat beside me.

"Thank Merlin you are here. I would usually never ask a student for help, but this is to do with your friend, Sebastian." Professor Sharp said seriously.

He rubbed his hand against his beard and asked, "Did you know he had been cursed?" Professor Sharp's eyes were wide, and the bags under his eyes were darker than normal.

"Cursed?" I whispered. How could that be?

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