Volume II: XXIV

322 19 3

Aesop's Point-of-View
The Ministry of Magic
October 1893

"Dinah. Would you be able to give me some," I cleared my throat, "advice?"

She opened her mouth to speak but hesitated. We had been walking down the open, echoing corridor near the fountain.

We entered the lift to make our way to Elladora Black's office. She was not someone I particularly got on with, but Hecat seemed to truly be in love with her. Much to my dismay, Dinah had trained her lover for her previous position just before she retired from the Ministry.

"I fear that if I counsel you, that the blame will be placed on me for any sign of failure." Dinah said through her teeth. Her face was directed at the path in front of her.

"It's not about work," I rubbed the palm of my hand against my forehead, "I was requesting your assistance with Kassia." My voice broke when I spoke her name.

Elladora's office was different than Dinah's. The door had been painted a horrendous shade of purple, and there was not a welcome mat in sight. Cinnamon hung in a small jar on the side of the entrance.

A true witch. I rolled my eyes and sighed to myself.

Dinah knocked a pattern I had not seen before onto the lacquer. It required excessive use of knuckles and bent fingers. The lock clicked, and the door opened itself.

Inside, the room was warmer than I would have preferred. The walls and the flooring were two different shades of black. A shaggy, purple rug centered itself in the octagonal space.

Elegant file cabinets lined the room. Opposite the entrance was a large, executive desk. All of the furniture in the room was black as well, except a massive chair that looked like it belonged to a royal was positioned behind the desk. It was purple, too. I scrunched my face in disgust at the design choice.

Dinah conjured a black velvet chaise for me to sit at across from the hideous purple chair.

I guided myself down to relax and inquired, "Dinah. There is not a doubt in my mind that I am still in love with Kassia. What am I to do?" My voice was pleading. I put my two forefingers together and placed them against my mouth.

"Ace..." Dinah hesitated. She pressed her forearms into the desk and bent her head down. Her eyes were closed while she whispered, "You must know that she wants nothing to do with you. Why won't you just move on?" The sigh that escaped her had let me in on how she perceived the situation.

My face hardened. "I have tried, and I can't. You know what she did."

Dinah peered up at me, her irises half-covered by her eyelids, "You mentioned it briefly years ago. I have no recollection." The end of her jawline clenched when she swallowed to prepare for the news.

I drew the sleeve of my coat up to expose my forearm. It was brandished in small, white scales.

"We are bonded. I had agreed to it when she asked for my hand in marriage. Her blood literally runs through me, and you believe that I would be able to forget her?" My own jaw pulsed in frustration.

Dinah touched the scales lining my forearm. They had extended my entire body now. "Bonded? Aesop," she drew in a loud inhale, "What kind of dark magic were you and her dabbling in?" Her mouth was now agape as her frightened eyes traced the scars. My hand shoved my sleeve back down to avert her gaze.

I folded my hands in my lap and smoothed them together to attempt to relax, "The process was an ancient Grecian practice, and I trusted her. Kassia had wanted to elope. I was in full agreement, but she made the fatal mistake of asking Xilia for her blessing. Kassia had been so confident in Xilia's answer that we already completed the blood purification process. The Ichor that ran through me designated her as my mate." Dinah's expression switched from interest to horror.

I reluctantly continued, "When Xilia disapproved of our relationship, she left me. And I did what I had to. I exposed Caractacus. I figured if the family were to be shunned, she would return to my side." I brought my hand up and waved carelessly to mimic the outcome.

But I should have known better since the effects were worse. She scarred me and her so-called-brother partially disabled me.

"Xilia never approved of you. I see why the engagement hadn't led to matrimony. I am deeply sorry, Aesop." Her tone was low and apologetic.

I argued, "Dinah. You saw her surprise when I showed up to the engagement party. She had a moment of weakness, and she complied with Ministry rules. It was astonishing. Then, when we brought Milton to trial, she touched me. Fondly. I just am not sure what to make of it. Women tend to harbor too many mixed signals for me to truly understand, which is why I am turning to you now. You must know." My timbre increased with each word. I felt out of breath after revealing the intimate moments between us.

She cleared her throat before speaking while her eyes danced around the room instead of meeting mine, "She's just using you. You know her motive, Ace. She probably thought you would reduce Milton's sentence if she were to return to your side." Dinah coughed at the end of her speech.

"Perhaps." I admitted.

Dinah warned, "Do not go poking around and getting yourself into a situation like before. That woman is not worth the trouble. You must remember that she was the one that gave you that scar. And Caractacus..." She trailed off looking at my leg. I pulled it back under the chaise. She did not need to remind me; every day with that injury was a curse.

I chewed the inside of my cheek at her words. "Thank you for your input, Dee." My tone was casual, and I hoped she had not noticed the strain in my voice. I stood up to leave and was greeted by Elladora Black herself.

"Aesop. Iskra sent an owl. There is trouble with Sebastian, and I believe it is urgent that you must go now to tend to him. Please bring a potion kit with you." Her eyes flickered from mine to Dinah while she smoothed her hands against her dress. She scooted past me to enter her office and gestured for me to leave.

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