Chapter Thirty Nine

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Isabel Rodríguez POV

"Okay so here is what I thought, I could be the bait and lure him into thinking that I love him again and when I am in his house you guys could come in from the basement and I have a way into the basement and the rest can we think about later. So what do you think?" I said and they looked at me like I am the crazy one. "No, absolutely not," Amedeo said. "I agree with him" Eduardo said and the rest agreed with him. "Look, that's the only plan I have right now, do you guys have anything or what" I said and they got quiet. "One thing I have learned from Esme is to always trust her plans; she knows what she is doing," Ethan said. "Okay I guess" My dad said and I smiled.

I left the room after we planned even more and what we should do and I went to my room to change into something comfy. I am a mother of two children. I can't always look perfect and it's okay because I love my children so much. After I changed I went to the living room and found everyone there already talking and having conversations. I looked at Amedeo and saw Adruey sitting on his lap and she looked at me and gave me a smile. The twins saw me and got up and went over to me and hugged me. "Mama" They both said and I squatted down to their level and hugged them back. They let me go and we went to sit on the couch. It was quiet and kind of awkward. "You look cute today" Adruey said and I gave her a smile. "I mean you do look good for a mother of two children. Usually mothers look bad. I could never have children. They ruin your body, you will get fat and get stretch marks and saggy boobs. They are basically exhausting and let's not forget they ruin your life" She said. Alora looked sad. "Are you okay Alora?" Eduardo asked her but she got up and stormed out of the room. "You know children are blessings and mothers when they are pregnant is the most beautiful thing of course there are some bad sides of it but it's all worth it, you are missing out if you think like that. I would die to have just one more child with my wife" Hugo said and they all agreed with him.

I then got up and went after Alora to see if she was okay and Hugo came with me. I went to her room and found her crying. "What is wrong, why are you crying?" I asked her and sat next to her. "It's nothing i promise" She said and I know she is lying. "Are you really trying to lie for me, you know I am a master of the lies" I said and she chuckled a little bit. "The things said just bothered me" She said and I looked confused at her and so did Hugo. "Why? Dont listen to what she is saying" Hugo said and I agreed. "For real, she is just a hater but why did it bother you?" I asked her. She looked at us both and I swear to god I have seen her brown eyes somewhere, it bothers me that I can't figure out where I have seen her brown eyes just like the first time I meet her.

"It's because I am pregnant" She said and I gave her the biggest hug ever. "Omg this is the best news ever, when did you find out?" I said. "Today" She said. I looked over at Hugo and he was smiling, but it was a sad smile. "What if I won't be a good mother or that Eduardo doesn't want this baby?" She said. "Congrats, trust me you will be an amazing mom" He said and gave her a smile. "Thank you" She said. "Have I told you that you look like my wife?" He then asked her. She nodded her head. "The first time she told me she was pregnant she was nervous and she cried because she thought I didn't want to have a child with her but she was wrong. I was so happy that the love of my life was pregnant with my child" He said and she got up and gave him a hug. He hugged her back and it was a cute moment. "Thank you" She said and let go of him. "It's nothing," He said.

After a while I was getting bored and both my mom, dad, Bianca and Lorenzo took the kids out and wanted to spend time with them so I was free all day. I went downstairs and found the girls chatting and having fun. I sat down next to them and I got an idea. "You know what girls I am free today and I feel like partying" I said and they all got excited. "OMG YES" Leila said and got up so did Aliyah and they started to jump. "That's a good idea but I can't, sorry but you girls have fun" Lilian said. "I can't either. I have a date with Eduardo today" She said with a smile on her face. "Damn it, lets go and change then" I said and I got up and went up to my room. I quickly changed into a short silk red dress and red bottoms shoes, I did my makeup natural and my hair into beach waves. As accessories I had the old engagement ring that I have kept with me and a random ring too with a gold necklace and dior earrings.

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