Driving through the nightmares

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We had been driving for a couple of hours when my phone rang. "Hey Frankie. Gee needs coffee..." I laughed. "No surprise there."
"Ok the next Starbucks, see you there." She hung up and I sat there wondering what they were talking about.

When we pulled into the parking lot we got out and Gee looked back to see Ash sitting on the sidewalk. "Ash are you coming?" Gee asked. She nodded. "Yeah I'll see you in there, I need some fresh air." We went inside and got our drinks. "Is Ash okay?" Ray asked Gee. "I think so. She just said she needed some air."

We were sat in our booth when she came in. Grabbing a bottle of water and sitting down beside Ray. We had been talking about the tour and the new album which was supposed to be launched at the same time. I watched her quietly picking at the label on the bottle. Something was on her mind and I decided to ride with Gee to see if I could work out what. "We better hit the road if we want to make good time." Ray was right and we all headed out.

Ash slipped into the back seat and I got into the front. She had made a pillow out of her bag and closed her eyes. I thought she had fallen asleep. Gee was driving like a normal person, I felt sure this was because Ash was in the car. I looked to Gee. "Is Ash okay?" Gee sighed. "She seemed fine right up until the point where she asked if you'd had any girlfriends back in New Jersey. I mentioned Jamia...after that she's been quiet and withdrawn." Why? Why did he have to bring her up? Why mention her of all people to Ash? My heart sank knowing she was worrying about these things.

"I can hear you. I'm okay, just feeling tired." Her voice was quiet and she rolled over to face away from us. "Why would you mention Jamia?! That's the one person I really do not want to see." I was angry and upset. I won't lie that Jamia hurt me when we were together and that's not something you get over easily. "I'm sorry Frank, I just told the truth." Gee sighed. I knew I shouldn't have had a pop at him.

The drive was quiet for the next few hours until Mikey text to say we were stooping at the next service station. We had barely parked before she was out of the car and headed to the restroom. Something wasn't right. Gee and I looked at each other when she emerged looking deathly pale. "Ash?" She wobbled a little and I moved forward to help her. "I'm okay. You guys go get sorted." Ray pulled Gee and I into the diner and Mikey waited back with her.

When they came into the diner she sat and ordered some dry toast. Mikey and Gee exchanged glances before he mouth an "I'm sorry." to Ash. She shrugged and just picked at her toast, not really eating it. When we got back to the car Ash got in and fell asleep.

"I'm really worried about Ash. She's barely eaten all day. She didn't look well at all." Gerard put his hand on my arm and squeezed reassuringly. "It will all be okay, it's probably just a stressful time. Try not to worry too much." We drove for another hour or so before we pulled into a Walmart to get snacks.

"You coming Frankie?" I shook my head. "No I'm going to stay here in case Ash wakes up. You know what I like snack wise." He nodded. My phone buzzed and I looked down. Word seems to get around fast that we were heading back. *Hey Frank. Heard from your Mom that you're all heading home to get ready for another tour. I'm sure we will see each other really soon. - Jamia* Fuck! This wasn't happening right now. Incoming call *Jamia* I declined the call and switched off my phone. Laying the seat back a little I closed my eyes and listened to Ash's steady breathing. I was glad she was managing to get some sleep without the nightmares.

Gee was soon back with coffee, smokes and snacks. "You look like you've seen a ghost, everything okay?" I shook my head. "My Mom told Jamia we were on our way back." He nodded understandingly. "Come on let's get going. Only another couple of hours then you can spend some quality time with Ash."

As we pulled into the driveway I sighed. "What am I gonna do Gee? I can't deal with Jamia's bullshit." He raised an eyebrow. "Just tell her to fuck off. Dude she cheated on you." He was right. We got out and I gently woke Ash. "Ash we're here." I watched as she sat up and gave me a small smile. Gee was unpacking the car and I took Ash in. We went upstairs and I showed her the spare bedroom next to mine. She placed her bag on the side and started to make the bed.

Wrapping my arms around her waist I rest my chin on her shoulder. "We've got the place to ourselves. The guys have gone on a grocery run." I turned her to face me as she replied. "Cool." I kissed her gently and she froze. I panicked. Had I done something wrong? I pulled away. "Oh my... did I do something wrong? I'm not pushing you too fast am I?" She shook her head. "I've never kissed anyone before. I'm worried I might do something wrong." I smiled at how cute she was. "Ash don't worry about it. Just relax and we can take it slow." She blushed and it made her look absolutely adorable. "Okay..."

I helped her unpack and get settled in before we headed downstairs to watch a film. Her favourite, The Nightmare Before Christmas. Ash curled into me and I smiled.

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