stuck on her

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I passed her locker as I headed to my own. There was another jock talking to her. I saw her glance at me and turn away.

Glancing down at my schedule I saw Gym class. It was a fairly nice day out which meant the guys would be doing track. Fortunately for me I can run.

Grabbing my spare clothes I headed for the changing rooms. As I was getting dressed I couldn't get her large Bambi eyes out of my head. Her green orbs penetrated my thoughts.

As I headed out to the track I saw her headed into the gymnasium. She was the only girl not wearing a skimpy cheerleader outfit. When I got to the middle of the track I realized that both the jock who'd walked into her deliberately and the one by the lockers were in my class... "Great..." I mumbled.

Coach was barking out his orders but I wasn't listening, I was thinking of her. Her long dirty blonde locks pulled back in an untidy half bun, her slight frame under the oversized hoodie. To anyone who looked at her you'd say she came from a poor family, that she was a hidden beauty. But there was something that told me she shouldn't look this way, that she's had it rough for a few years. I couldn't put my finger on it.

As we were warming up the two jocks were talking with each other. "That's the new guy Frank. He was sitting next to your sister in art." The one who was talking to Bambi at the lockers looked over to me but waved the other one off.

We began running laps of the track and Bambi's brother hung back to talk to me. "My friend says you're in his art class." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah I am. Just seemed like a free period to be honest." He laughed. "I'm Dwayne Jones. Quarterback." I chuckled. "Makes sense. Well I'm going to finish these laps." I picked up the pace and lapped his friends.

I tried to block them out just focusing on her. Wondering what her lesson was like. It wasn't until coach called the lesson to a close that I focused on anything else. When I'd got changed I waited around outside to talk to her.

I caught sight of her leaving the gym and caught up to her. She looked upset. "Hey. Are you ok?" I knew there was concern in my voice. "Yeah..." She looked at her watch and then to me. "I'm going to be late. I will probably see you later." I nodded then called after her. "Wait... What's your name? I smiled. Probably looking like an idiot knowing me. "Ashleigh but everyone calls me Leigh. See you later."

Ashleigh... A beautiful name.

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