In the Dog Park: Chris Evans x Reader:

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- All these stories are going to be fluff mostly. Little shorts. Let me know if there are any other actors you would like me to do. Or Second parts to any part.

- Sherlock


y/n wakes up to your clingy puppy next to you in bed. Slowly getting up, you put on one of your simple outfits. A light pair of jeans. A white tight long sleeve crop top. White hightops. And a black puffer vest. At that point your pup, Delilah, noticed you getting ready. She started to freak out in excitement. She knew you were getting ready to take her to her favorite place. The dog park is a block away from your house. Setting her up in her leash and harness, you set off to the dog park.

- At the park -

Walking down the path, Delilah slipped from her harness and started running down the grassy side path. Damning her beagle nose. You start running after her. Hoping someone would take notice of her and stop her before she got too far. Heaving with the loss of breath, you tried to continue to run. You notice someone picking her up in the distance and started walking towards you.

As the strong figure approached, you noticed a dog attached on a leash to the guy's hip. He was holding Delilah in his arms. Your eyes were focused on his dog, you almost missed him saying something to you.

"I believe this rascal belongs to you" His voice was smooth and calm. It sounded familiar.

Just as your eyes lifted to meet his. Staring into his eyes, a gorgeous shade of blue. He passed Delilah to you. Putting her in her harness. Still taking every feature of his face in. A strong chin with a full beard. Strong shoulders and muscular arms. Then your brain had a clicking moment. You have seen this face a few times before, on the movie screen. Chris Evans!

" Thank you for grabbing her! She can be a handful sometimes" The words flowed from your lips quickly and shallowly. As you are still breathing heavily from the run.

"Are you okay?" He looks at you concerned.

"Yeah, just out of breath no thanks to that run. I'm y/n by the way".

"I'm Chris" He smiles shyly.

"And this is?" I bent down to pet his cute puppy, who gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"That is Dodger, he seems to like you!".

From that moment on Chris and you continued walking down the pathway, chatting. As Delilah and Dodger play together.

Actor Imagines (actor x y/n)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin