Coffee Crash: Pedro Pascal x Reader:

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- All these stories are going to be fluff mostly. Little shorts. Let me know if there are any other actors you would like me to do. Or Second parts to any part.

                                                                                                                                                     - Sherlock 

A burst of light trickled in through the windows, creeping onto the pillow where your head was peacefully resting. A quiet apartment in the early hours of the morning. You were at rest. Just as you were finding peace in the morning, the most annoying alarm blared in your ears. 

Sighing you turn over onto your back, grabbing your phone off the bedside table. Turning it on, the light flashed into your eyes, causing you to squint. Quickly turning down the brightness and the alarm. You throw it to the side. Staring at the ceiling for a quick moment. Then proceeded to swiftly get out of your warm comforter. As your feet met the cold floor, for a brief moment you wanted to do nothing more than curl back up under your covers. 

Walking to the kitchen, you lazily grab your favorite mug to make a cup of coffee. Reaching for the tin of coffee, you crack open the lid. Much to your dismay the tin was empty. Sighing at the lack of groceries in the house, and your ill-preparedness for the day of writing at home. You made up your mind that you will venture out to get coffee at the local coffee shop close by. 

Getting ready you throw on a cozy outfit. Black leggings, a jean button-up top, and a cozy knit sweater that you made. Pairing the outfit with a pair of black heels, and some oversized black sunglasses. Looking into the mirror you realize your hair was an absolute mess. So you pulled it up into a flawless messy bun. Looked back one more time, and grabbed your bag with your laptop and writing stuff. You headed out to the coffee shop.

The entire time you walked to the coffee shop you had your music going. Something soft, and cozy. Perfect for a Canadian autumn morning. The scenery around you gave you so many ideas for the possible locations of the film you were creating. Taking photos and sending them off to the director, with a couple of messages and notes for certain scenes.  Rounding the corner and closing in on the coffee shop door. You slowly pull back to enter, when you are met unexpectedly with hot coffee being splashed all over your knit sweater. And a hard chest in your face. Causing you to topple over the person that crashed into you. Both bodies hit the ground. With you on top of the man. Looking up to meet a pair of dark brown eyes looking into yours. 

Slowly rolling off the top of the man, he helped you up. He apologized profusely, gesturing to the spilled coffee stain on your sweater. 

"I'm so sorry about that. I was in a rush and didn't notice you walk in. Let me pay to replace the sweater!" He offered. 

"No, it's alright. Can't get another one anyways." You shrugged and gave him a small smile. He looked at you very puzzled.

"It's handmade, I would have to make another one. It's alright. I wasn't my favorite one." You politely stated. Slipping off the coffee-stained sweater.

"Well let me buy you a coffee at least" His voice was smooth and heavy. You nod in agreement, both walking over to the counter to order.  He smiles at you and offers a gentlemanly gesture of you ordering first. 

"I'll have (y/drink/o) thank you, and he will have..." you trail off letting him put in his order. 

"I'll have an iced quad espresso in a venti cup with extra ice and six shots, please, and thank you" He paid and then turned to smile at you.  

Just as you guys were about to stand over at the receiving end of the counter for your order, the waitress turned to the man who bought you a drink and asked for a name on the order.

"Pedro" He replied shyly. 

Standing next to one another at the coffee pickup counter you two chatted, exchanging pleasantry and simple back-and-forth chatter. You told him about the movie script you are working on. Not realizing he is an actor. You got super passionate about your writing and tend to ramble on. The whole time he was smiling at you, showing such an in-depth interest in the movie you had written. The two of you grabbed your coffees and decided to get a seat to continue to chat. Hours went by and you both looked at the clock realizing prior other engagements had crept on you. Saying your goodbyes, and heading back to your apartment you smiled to yourself, thinking what a great morning you just had. And how that happy accident, lead to you meeting such an interesting person, a very kind person. 

You had to rush home to get ready to head to the movie set, your job on the set was to advise the screening team on the adaptation of the movie writing. It was to insure the same vibe transferred over from the writing to the production of the movie. Slipping into some black jeans, an earthy green long-sleeve bodysuit, and your black leather jacket, and took your hair down from the bun to some really soft curls once shaken out. With that last look in the mirror, you ran down to your car and set off to the set. On the drive, you were beating yourself up about not getting that cute guy's number. 

Once you arrived at the set, you parked up, and walked over, clipping your pass to your jacket. The director saw you coming in and called you over. There was a large group a few feet away from the director. 

"Y/N! I hope you had a great morning! Those photos you sent me were amazing spots, a great vibe for the opening shots. I called you over here to meet the cast. They are about to go off for their first table reading in a minute, I wanted you to join them. Give them insight into the deeper meaning behind stuff. The vibe that's needed!" He announced quickly while walking to the group of people.

You followed him toward the group of people, you recognized some faces from the movie series and tv series you watched. Introducing yourself to many of them, handshaking others. Turning around she is bumped into someone's chest. Strong arms surround her helping her back up and regain her balance. When she looks up she is met with the same dark brown eyes as this morning. Pedro. Just then, in your more awake brain, it clicked. The man you had coffee with this morning, was Pedro Pascal. He gave you the biggest grin.

"Y/N happy to see you again! At least this time I didn't have a coffee in my hands this time." He joked, giving you a small deep laugh. You returned the smile and a giggle. 

Looking into his eyes, you think to yourself that this day couldn't get any more perfect. 

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