Coffee Crash: Part 2:

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This is the second part to a reader x Pedro Pascal. This was written upon someone's request. If there are any other stories you want extra parts continued, let me know!

- Sherlock


It's been a few weeks since the start date of this film. And the amazing coffee date you had with Pedro. Since then the two of you had a few other dates. You are constantly flirting with each other on set. And somehow you both end up being in the same room as each other. Things weren't official between you yet. However, you only hoped it would be soon. 

The sun had set hours ago, the autumn leaves of the set began to fall, and the crisp air surrounded everything. You were sitting on the couch in the cast and crew coffee room. It was a small building at the corner of the set. It housed a coffee and tea station, a table of various snacks, and some collapsable tables. It was the only place that was quiet enough to write your notes and finish the paperwork. You were swimming with papers around you. You look down at your state of yourself, taking note that the light-washed jeans and grey long-sleeve shirt you wore today, weren't nearly warm enough, now that the autumn weather had crept in fully. Making a mental note to dress warmer in the future. Your hair was down, framing your face, and your black-framed glasses pressed into the brim of your nose. Causing you to have a slight headache.

It was late at night, and everyone was trying to push through till the end of the day, even though everyone was exhausted. Looking around the room, you noticed a few people from the grip team sitting at a table near you with coffee, and the odd cast member having a late-night snack. It was when your eyes glanced over at the coffee station. Realizing Pedro was standing there making himself a coffee. He must have just finished his scenes for the night. He had his nice brown suede jacket on, a white long-sleeve, and a pair of jeans. With how tired you were it took you a little longer to realize he was looking over at you, with his amazing brown eyes. And a soft smile rested upon his lips. You smiled back quickly, feeling your heart leap in your chest at his gaze. Turning your eyes down to your lap, which had a bundle of papers, and your pens resting on it. 

You had then decided to set your pens aside and take a breather from the paperwork you had in front of you. Shifting from sitting cross-legged, you curled your legs under you. Forming yourself into more of a ball. Taking a deep breath, you found your eyes slowly becoming heavier. Before you know it you had dozed off on the couch. Feeling a slight wind coming in from the door. 


Picking up the hot to-go styrofoam cup, filled with coffee. Bringing it up to my face, and letting the hot liquid slip past my lips. Turning toward the center of the room, my eyes scanned the room. Drifting past empty foldable tables and chairs. Then landing on the tan warn couch, that had Y/N resting upon it surrounded by paperwork. Sweetly smiling when I realize that Y/N had fallen asleep.  I couldn't believe how cute she was. 

Walking toward the couch, I bent down to lift some of the papers that had fallen onto the floor, placing them on a small wooden table next to the couch. Placing my coffee down on the same table, I turn back to Y/N. Examining her perfect face. The freckles scattered upon her nose, the long eyelashes that kept fluttering underneath the glasses. The perfect cupids bow on her lips. Looking at her, I noticed she was shivering. I only wished I could take her in my arms, and snuggle into her. Warming her up a little. 

I slipped off my brown suede jacket and rested it over Y/N's arms. Then bending over to take off her black-framed glasses, which were already halfway to falling off. I then ran the back of my hand across her rose-colored cheeks. And kissed the top of her head. Making Y/N give a small smile, gripping the coat closer to her. Turning into the cushion of the soft couch. 

I couldn't help but admire Y/N's beauty, smiling back at her. With my heart rushing, and getting butterflies in my stomach. I hope she could be mine. And you two could be official. 

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