Leaving in Secret

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No one's pov))

Killer slowly walked through the empty halls of the mansion he stayed in. The old, rose colored wallpaper was peeling and dimly lit from the lamps on the walls. Everyone was asleep, it being 2:30 in the morning. Well, everyone except him and his boss. But, Nightmare never slept anyway. He slowed his steps walking by Nightmare's office, which was close to the front door. Listening carefully, Killer didn't hear anything. He slowly opened the front door. It creaked lowly. He froze in place and stood there for a few moments. It didn't seem like anyone heard. Killer sighed in relief and stepped outside. 

Abnormally tall pine trees and thick overgrown grass surrounded the mansion. The only part the wasn't covered in plant life was the dirt path directly in front of the door. The sand and dirt in trail slightly muddy from the rain the day before. Killer obviously didn't take that path and opted to walk around to the back of the mansion. Putting effort into being quiet, he sped towards the back area. Someone was there waiting for him.

It was Ink, Killer's partner, who he had been dating in secret for about two months. Ink was also keeping this a secret. Both of them knew that their bosses would be livid if the found out. Ink, of course, forgot about that and yelled  "KILLER!" extremely loudly.

"Jeez Ink-" Killer, once he runs up to Ink, says in a normal tone, "Quiet down or you'll get us caught-"

"Sorry-" Ink whispers nervously,  "I'm just so happy to see you again,"

"It's okay, I don't think anyone heard us-" Killer says, looking around cautiously. The woods around them is still pretty quiet. Except for the fact Ink just threw up.

"Hehe- whoops-" Ink says as Killer looks over.

"Aw- my shirt-" Killer says looking down at his shirt that is now stained with ink. 

"I have some at my place if you wanna change? We can hangout there afterwards-" Ink suggests.

"That's a good idea, let's do that," Killer agrees somewhat happily. Nothing like spending time with your boyfriend, right?

Ink excitedly grabs Killer's hand and jumps into the portal that he came through in. And away they go to Ink's house.

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