Interrogation (short)

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Everyone shuffled into the mansion, everyone heading to their bedroom or the kitchen. Nightmare walked in last, right after Killer.

"Killer, come with me to my office." He said in a monotone yet scary low voice. Killer simply nodded, following Nightmare who had already started walking towards his office.

They make it to the office, Nightmare sitting down at his desk and Killer standing in front of it. There was an awkward silence as Nightmare glared judgingly at Killer.

After a few moments, he spoke, "Killer, do you and Ink have anything going on with each other?" He said, slight curiosity showing through the negative tone.

"We don't, why do you ask?" He asked nervously, obviously lying.

"Are you sure? Because I can tell when you lie, Killer." Nightmare glared, making Killer more nervous. Another awkward pause arose. Time moved slowly.
"I'll believe nothing is happening but if something is. Well, you know the consequence. " Nightmare paused, "Do you understand?"

"Yes boss," Killer spoke plainly. But the nervousness in him was rising.

"Good, now go get something for lunch. I'm sure you haven't eaten anything today." Nightmare spoke, immediately turning to papers on his desk. Wonder what he writes on those papers?

Killer left carefully, huffing in relief when he left the room. He was safe, for now.

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