1- The Call

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"That's not true, he had 2 more talking stages than me," Kristina said laughing. Is shook my head and pulled the popcorn out of the microwave.

"Moral of the story is that you both are still in love with each other, so might as well make it official," I said pouring popcorn into a bowl. I walked over and sat down next to Austin. Leaning my head against him I turned on the TV. A ring came from the doorbell. Kristina looked at me.

"I thought your parents don't come back till tomorrow night," Kristina said.

"They don't," I said getting up and walking towards the door. Austin followed me hesitantly. My heart slowly dropped as I recognized the blue and red flashing lights outside my house. Opening the door I looked at the two officers standing in front of me.

"Hayley Raymond?" One officer asked.

"Yeah?" I replied confused.

"We're sorry to inform you that there was a plane crash, your parents plane, they didn't make it," The officer said.

1 Years Later

"Today marked the one year since the metro bombing..." The news reporter said on the TV. I watched as pictures flashed across the screen.

"Sorry that was work," Aunt Andrea said sitting down at the table.

"Thank you for letting me stay here," I said cutting the lasagna.

"You know you can come back anytime Haley," My uncle said smiling at me. I gave a faint smile.

"I mean I usually have my shit together but I just, I mean it's summer and all my friends went home to their families and I mean the plan was to go to Florida and stay with Austin and his family but you know," I said shrugging.

"What a dick," My aunt murmured.

"Andrea!" My uncle said sternly.

"Not it's okay, she's right," I said shrugging.

My eyes slowly opened as my body was hot and sweaty. Sitting up I noticed the clock was off next to me and the night light in the corner was dark. Hm, the power must have gone out. Checking my phone it was 3 AM. I heard quiet morning from downstairs. Getting up and I walked over and hung over the railing as my aunt and uncle went through papers and files.

"How do we warn Osprey they're coming after us, the landline is down?" My aunts voice said faintly.

"They'll come after Osprey too. How do we warn them?" My uncle replied.

"7 days until they try again"

"The engineer, the files," my aunt said worried.

"How will we warn them?" she added.

"What that the country's in trouble?" My uncle replied.

"That no one in the white house can be trusted," she replied.

"What about the drive in the woods? We have to burn what's here," My uncle said.

Walking down the stairs I crossed my arms in my sweatshirt. My aunt spun around and pulled out a gun facing it at me. I stepped back scared as she sighed and put it away.

"What the hell?" I yelled. My aunt covered my mouth as fear ran through my veins.

"Shit," My uncle muttered.

"What's going on?" I asked confused. Talking and footsteps came from outside of the house. My aunt sighed and walked over to a kitchen drawer and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen.

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