11- Truths

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"How do you not feel bad about any of this? I mean what we're doing is insanely illegal," Peter said as he looked over at me. I scoffed and shook my head.

"I stole for the first time when I was 10," I said. He rubbed his face and sighed.

"Lovely," he said as I giggled.

"No, listen, I know it seems wrong at first, and I mean maybe the moral idea of it is, but think about the principle, think about the reason behind why we're doing this," I said shrugging. He glanced over at me with an unsure look.

"Trust me, I know it's sort of fucked, but this is the only way," I said giving him a longing look.

"If this all backfires. I mean if your plan fails this is it for me, i'm done. There goes my whole life, all of it. I'm doing all of this for you Haley," Peter said hesitantly. I tried to hold back a smile and sighed.

"I know, I do. I'm really thankful that you've stuck by me. Now I need you to trust me and know that the plan isn't going to fail, not if we're smart, and I know you're smart," I said patting his hand with mine. His demeanor relaxed as he took a deep breath. He nodded and looked around.

"Okay, if we're getting separated we need somewhere to meet. Forest-ridge Park. It's right off of Kline road. There's a pedestrian alley which if you follow will take you to a long pier. My dad and I used to fish there all the time," He said looking back at me. His eyes almost glistened when he mentioned his dad.

"Now repeat it back to me," He said sternly.

"Forest-ridge park, pedestrian alley, go to pier," I said as our eyes locked. He smiled softly.

"Good," he said looking away. I pursed my lips to keep back my grin and unbuckled my seat belt as he did the same.

"Peter," I said before he opened the door. Pausing he looked at me longingly.

"Be careful, please, you're all I have," I said giving a sad smile. He nodded.

"You too," he said before getting out. I slid over into the drivers seat. He put on his bag and hovered in the window frame. I rolled down the window and looked up at him. He looked around at the scenery and then back down at me. Our gazes locked as we both just lingered in each other's presence. I was scared to go around without him. I could tell he was hesitant to leave me.

"Go," I said softly. He nodded hesitantly and walked off. Adjusting my cap I rolled up the window and drove off.

The sun set as I pulled up to a small diner. Locking the car I walked in with my bag and laptop. I made eye contact with a lady behind the counter.

"Anywhere you want sweetheart," she said giving me a soft smile. I smiled back and walked to the back corner. Setting up my lap top I pulled out the hard drive and plugged my computer into a charger. Resting my head in my hand I clicked around my computer. Opening the drive the hostess came up to my table and set down a menu.

"Paper deadline?" She asked smiling.

"Am I that easy to read?" I asked jokingly.

"I was a stressed college student once too baby, I'll keep the coffee coming," She said winking.

"Oh, and an order of fries please?" I asked as she walked away. She smiled and nodded.

A couple minutes passed. Picking up my phone I dialed Peter.

"This is Night Action please s-,"

"Bro, Peter, the fries here are fucking incredible," I said biting into one. I heard a relieved sigh on the other end of the phone.

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