Chapter 3

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When I woke up this morning I put another set of Band-aids on my wrist. I got up and went to go find a shirt that I would wear to school because I had bruises on my wrist where my dad grabbed my wrist, plus the cuts on my wrist that I did to myself because after my dad gets finished with his 'beatings' I would go to my room and get a blade and cut myself because my dad says that it was my fault my mom died. No it wasn't! It wasn't my fault she pulled in front of that drunk driver. I had a 7 year old brother, Noah that was blind because of the accident but he died 2 years ago. He was diagnosed with Leukemia. and died shortly after. I still have an older brother, Nathan. He's in collage and can't protect me from my dad like he used to.

So I decided to wear my gray 'Girlie Girl Originals™' long sleeve shirt that I got for Christmas and a pair of Levi Jeans and my converse.

When I got school I walked into the classroom and saw Chase. Butterflies appeared in my stomach. I went over to sit by him.

"Good morning beautiful!" He said.

"Morning" I said while smiling.

"Hey, I have ANOTHER question?" He said while smiling and his dimples showing.

"Yes," I said.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He said.

The butterflies appears again.

"YESSSS!!!!!" He couldn't stop smiling. "Why didn't you ask me yesterday?" I asked, curious.

"Because I didn't want it to be over text. I wanted it to be in person." He said.

"I wouldn't have cared because it was you!!" I said.

"Oh...well I'm just happy we are finally together!"

"Me too!" I said.

"Alright class take a seat, and began to read on page 63," my teacher, Mrs. Anna Claire Horton said.

Only 20 minutes into class I got a note from beside me. I look over to my left and see Chase sitting there with this cute smirk on his face.

•*•*•The Note*•*•*
Chase: hey,
Me: hi
Chase: at the party Friday, stay close to me because I don't know what they will be doing.
Me: okay.
•*•*•end of note*•*•*

Hey peeps,

I know this story sucks. But I'm sry. I know this chapter was short but I'm sry. I hope it gets better. Ig thts all. Love you guys.


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