Chapter 6

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Nila-Grace's P.O.V

I woke up on Chase's chest. This was home. I loved home. I look at the clock 5:34 I had to get ready for school but I couldn't get out of his grip. I didn't want to wake him up. Too late.

"Morning, beautiful," he said as he pecked my lips. "Today is Friday!!" He said.

"I don't think I actually fit in with your 'group'..." I said as I walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

"Yes you do baby. If you don't fit in then I don't. But I promise you, you do!" He said while following me into the bathroom in just his boxers.

"Ok...I'll take your word. But will there be any drinking?" I asked while running the water.

"I really don't know....haha it's Ross we're talking about." He said.

"Hahaha..." I said and started to take my shirt off and it got mid waist and I looked at him.

"Oh...yeah. Right. Sorry." He said while looking a little sad.

"It's fine." I put my shirt down and walked over to him and pulled him close. I kissed him with passion. I felt his tongue against my bottom lip which he was asking for an entrance. Which of course I gave to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I was trying so hard to not let the moan in the back of my throat escape. Too late. I felt his lips smile against mine. We finally pulled apart so I could get a shower and get ready for school. I wore a blue, purple, and black button up plaid shirt with black tights and my black converses. Chase wore almost the same thing. His shirt was almost identical. But bigger. And he wore blue jeans and black converses. (A/N: Emily Kinney~ we like walking wearing black matchin converse shoes)

I look at the clock 7:24. We only have about a 7 minute walk to school. We walked out the door and started walking. We walked into school hand-in-hand and everybody's eyes were on us. Gina, Jynie Peyton, and Alexis all looked pissed. I looked at them and smiled. Chase grabbed my waist and kissed my cheek. Haha.

"Why her?!" Gina said as she pointed to me.

"Because I love her and she isn't a whore like you." He said in 'duh' tone. Gina and her posse ran out of the hallway.

"Hey, babe don't get upset. They are just jealous because they aren't you" he said as he kissed my cheek again. I giggled.

We walked into geometry. Ugh. This class is so boring. But at least we have Ross, Chad and Cannan and Connor in our class. They make everything hilarious. They tease the teacher, Mr. Jimmy. They throw things at each other. They tell hilarious stories. They are just plain weird but awesome.

After geometry, me and Chase have art then science then I have P.E. With Gina and Jynie. And no Chase.

I play basketball with them. After I got my jersey on I walked out onto the court.

Coach Jen started to tell us the plays. I was running to get the ball. Gina tripped me. I fell face first. Her and Jynie started laughing. I got up and brushed the dust off of me. I smiled at them and ran to get the ball. Gina got the ball before I got it. I was going to get it and she elbowed me in the nose I fell backwards and I was using my arm to break my fall. Not the best idea. I landed on my arm and heard a 'crunch'. I stood up my arm was turning purple. I looked at my left arm and the instant I saw I knew it was broke.

I looked over to Gina of course that stupid skank was laughing. She won't be for long. I walked over to her. She stopped laughing. I looked at her right in the eye.  "Stop tormenting me. It's not my fault he chose me. Just let it be. Stop being jealous you stupid idiotic shank." And with that I drew my hand back and slapped her across the face with my right arm. My other arm was throbbing like a mother. I looked at her face and saw a red handprint on her face. She was crying. Weak bitch.

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