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Harry:swear to god say that sentence again I will kill you.

Leo: how you don't even know any spells to do that.

Harry: I'll make one.

Severus: ahahahahah. Good luck with that.

James: hey my son is perfectly capable of making a spell if he wants.

Severus: sure when he's 40.

James: like to see you try snivilius

Regulus: wow that was so much work he's already invited a couple spells you nitwit.

Sirius: wait he did when?

Regulus: like in the fifth year he already had master making two spells.

Lilly: and what would the purpose of these spells purpose be?

Severus: to make my enemies suffer.

Lilly: why am I not surprise.

Leo:hey you would do the same thing if you were in his shoes.

Harry: anyway different topic what is everyone doing.

Sirius: well Remus and I are on a date and regulus, James, and your mother are at an antique store.

Ron: what's Peter doing?

Sirius: probably watch grey's anatomy.

Leo,Severus, and Regulus: oh I love that show.

Remus: why I can't stand watching it makes me every time someone has it on.

Regulus: that's the whole purpose of the show.

Ron: my mom likes to watch home improvement shows.

Lilly: sounds like your mother.

Leo: does anyone know of anyone besides Draco who will watch anime with me at hogwarts?

Harry: when did you become friends with Malfoy?

Leo: since I turned 3 his family knew
about my existence but kept their mouths shut.

Harry: that little shit.

Lilly: language.

Ron: what's anime?????

Hermione: explains what anime is.

Ron: oh what do you watch?

Leo: we'll right now I'm watching bungo stray dogs since there is a new session.

Regulus: there's a new session? Severus did you know about this?

Severus: no I did not once your done shopping come by hogwarts and we'll watch it.

  "Why did no one tell me that Snape  had a son," Harry asks.Where stories live. Discover now