Chapter 1: Snapping

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u-uh, hey my names Div, yeah i know its a girl name but i sorta like it, i guess. Im 16 years old, or a junior in high school, i also live in Atlanta, Georgia. Ok anyways my story begins in school. school is pretty much hell for me, I only have one person I can acually call a friend, usally im either harassed, ignored, or just plain not noticed. But I wouldn't blame them if i'm not noticed either I can be very very quiet. Anyways I am in the last period of the day, we had free time in our class because all of us surprisingly got our assignments done. I decided to draw, I really love drawing, it is one of the most enjoying things in my life, or at least the only thing i did have to enjoy in life. I am drawing some random things from my head, I start to listen into some of my classmates conversations...they are talking about me...i'm used to that, sorta but i don't really know, this seems there is something boiling up anger...YOU KNOW WHAT I FRICKEN CANT HANDLE THIS ANYMORE, I AM TRIED OF THIS CRAP I AM DONE! DONE! DONE! The school bell rang, I quickly got my stuff from my locker and walked home. I saw that kid im my class how was talking bad things about me...he was alone...hehhehHEheHEhHEHHEHEHAHAHHAHahahahhaHAHH, I watch him walk for a while, and walk behind him. After a while of observing, I take a poket knife I always keep with me from my pocket. I run up to him then dragged him in the alley way, geez hE sQuirMs TO MUCH EHEHHAHAHAHA, I slit this throat lots of times, darn this KidS A FiGHtER...he was gurgling, or trying to scream, I think. I start stabbing random places, then i got an idea HEHeHHAAHhaHAHA, i slowly cut his stomach open, he was gurgling frantically, I then reach inside of his cut and slowly almost torture-like pulled out his intestines. he stopped gurgling, i'm surprised he didn't fight back. i then decided to carve 3 stars in the top of his fore-head going to the bridge of this nose. I then realized what i had done...oh my god, I killed someone...I sat there staring at my mess, just me and my shadow.






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