Chapter 3: introductions

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The masked man and I walk up to the huge front doors, he opens the door slowly and cautiously "ok stay close". My anxiety acts up, we walk into the mansion and it's pitch black in there, the anxiety feeling swells at the pit of my stomach growing stronger and stronger by the second. The masked man yells into the pitch blackness "Guys turn on the lights" the lights then flicker on with a buzz, I almost faint at what I see...blood everywhere, on the wall and all over the floor. I stumble back in shock, then trip and fall on my ass "o-ooowwwweeee". Then a voice comes out of nowhere 'I love the sight of all that lovely, succulent, Crimson colored BLOOD heheHAA' the masked man doesn't seem to notice. I look around to see where the disembodied voice came from, I don't see anything, I shrug it off but the thought still lingers in my mind. The masked man helps me up and leads me inside, he leads me to a very very VERY tall man, I look up to his face, it feels like all of the blood in my body has stopped flowing, I freeze in place, I then notice he doesn't have a face at all. the masked man grabs my shoulders and shakes me "hey kid snap out of it, he'll kill ya if you look too long" I quickly turn my head away from looking at his face...or U-uh lacking-of-face. "Master slender I Uh, brought the kid you wanted." The masked man said "Good, masky show him to his room, Be back here in 15 minutes." The so called "master slender" said, I don't even know how he can talk...well there are a lot of things in this world that can't be explained. "Follow me." I followed the "masky" guy to my room? That means I'll be staying here...I don't want to stay in a blood-filled mansion, who knows there might be other things lurking around here. I hesitantly follow masky to a room, he stops at a door with a ton of claw marks and multiple padlocks attached. He opens the door to a small room with a bed with dusty sheets and bumpy pillow, the walls have more scratch marks on them, there is also what seems to be a bathroom. "get comfy your gunna be here for a long time." Masky says. I set down my backpack on the dusty bed, and look around a little. Time passes and it's time to go with masky to that faceless man in what I assume to be the living room. I saw the faceless man and tried to avoid looking at his not-really-face. Slender said with a deep voice "ok Div this all may be hard to take in at once, but you have something very special and we need it for our uses, it's a very strong and dangerous force that lies with in you." "W-wait, how d-do you know m-my name and w-who is we and w-what am I-I?" I say shakily "you will soon learn child, you'll be here for a long time and in time most of your questions will be answered." "W-well that d-doesn't help much..." I say disappointingly, then a hooded man walks into the room from the hallway, he has a red stitched frown and two red eyes stitched into a black ski mask. "hello hoodie!" Masky happily says, hoodie replies with a tried sounding "hello...who's that?" And points to me "oh that's Div" masky says "ok then, hi Div" hoodie says, "U-uh, h-hi hoodie" I try to smile. Oh boy this is going to be 'fun'.
End of chapter 3
Hey guys X3 hope u enjoyed this chapter, I take suggestions too =^~^=
I have a spelling and past-tense and present tense-problem XD WELL THEN

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