Kabanata 08

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The wine wasn't bad, but I'd still prefer bourbon or scotch any day. The party wasn't too noisy which I was glad or I might've hightail out of the exit without having a backward glance.

But grievances aside, I was genuinely enjoying myself since I'd finally struck the deal with Hector Alman three hours ago in a private room in the museum. We'd already negotiated the specifics and what was expected from each of us concerning the new business venture we'd agreed to. So, perhaps I'd stay for a bit. Just to drink. And breathe. Because it had been a month of hell.

No one dared to approach and make small talks with me. If a woman tried to flirt, I would always give them a dirty look that was enough to make them run with their stilettos clacking.

When I got tired of the sweetness of wine, I went to the bar they'd temporarily built in a room where the museum kept the replica of a whale skeleton hanging over from the ceiling. It was a nice touch since it gave the whole atmosphere an exotic ambiance.

I ordered scotch from the bartender, and two glasses in, I was already feeling the buzz in my bones. I should probably get a hotel later since I couldn't drive in this state. I sent a text to Hexon to meet us up in the National Museum of Archeology after eleven. I'd could make him my driver for the night because I hated getting bed bugs from hotel rooms.

"Shame. You're still a raging alcoholic."

I knew that feminine voice, but I pretended that I wasn't surprised to meet her here. I schooled my expression and just proceeded to take a gulp of my drink.

And I wasn't an alcoholic. But if a person made me choose between sex and a bottle of Mitcher's, I'd choose the latter.

"Delighted meeting you here," I muttered without any glee in my voice. "Or not."

"As if you cared." Lana sat on the stool next to me, her black dress flowing over her like a viscous liquid, molding the perfection of her hourglass-body. "Of all the places you could bring your shit into, Mavros, bakit dito pa?"

"You don't seem upset, though," sabi ko.

Her dark brown eyes studied me. "You're right. I don't. But that doesn't mean I'm ecstatic to see you, too."

"Likewise," I tersely replied.

If Lana and I hadn't had so much history during my sicario days--back when I was still earning my rank in the Clan--I would have told her to bugger off. But my ex wasn't that simple of a woman to begin with. You couldn't just tell her to fuck off. Lana wasn't the type of person to get dismissed easily like she wasn't important. She would fight you tooth and nail to get your attention. The last word should always come from her. That was what made her a good actress, always having to play the role of a vicious villain. She had the natural talent to antagonize. I couldn't believe that I had fallen for her once upon a time.

Lana smiled viciously before glancing behind her. "She's pretty."

I followed her gaze and landed on Abby who had the kid in her arms. She appeared to be relaxed despite that she didn't seem to know how to make a conversation with anyone. But at least she was drinking juice and trying out the food in the buffet with Cal.

"I can't imagine having a child with you. But she seems managing just fine."

"She's not my wife," I grunted quickly. "And the baby is not hers. She's a nanny I hired."

"Huh, I would have thought otherwise," she quipped and grinned at me. "Does she know that she's working for the most dangerous man in the country?"

I let out an annoyed sound at the back of my throat. "She doesn't need to be privy about that. Even you."

She rolled her eyes at me before returning her gaze to Abby who was now sitting on a chair, having some playful talks with Cal who was giggling at something she said.

"She's like a rabbit playing at the mouth of the wolf. One wrong step and she's staked at the fang," Lana stated, humming. She looked at me. "Careful with her, Veric. We've known each other for a long time. We both know what you're capable of. People like her has no place in your world."

I frowned at her. "You're clearly reaching. She's just an employee."

"And she'll be dead within a month. Her blood is gonna be in your hands," she replied. "But what do I care. It's not like you have a conscience. You're far from a bad man, and even hell has no place for the likes of you." She stood and with one last breath of words, she warned, "Stay away. Fire her if you must. There's a reason why I'm the only ex that's still alive because I knew the real man in front of me. And while I still had the time to save myself, I left." With that, she strode away.

Lana had dumped my ass years ago, and that was probably the best thing she had ever done for me. Once she'd discovered who I really was, she'd cut things off, and now, we were like fire and ice.

And I couldn't really grasp what Lana was insinuating. Abby was just my employee. She was young as fuck, and not once did it ever crossed my mind to cross the boundary between us.

I wasn't an idiot. I knew how to keep my dick in my pants.

Besides, there was nothing remarkable about the girl. She was just your normal college student, trying to earn a living.

Even a deranged fuck like me wouldn't waste its time playing with a flower that was just freshly picked from a garden.

I called the bartender. "Give me your best. I want the strongest."

The bartender nodded and began fixing my preferred poison.

So much for enjoying the party.

Sure, Abby was pretty, with her long lustrous hair, pink pouty lips, and hooded eyes that held a thousand forms of dreams and aspirations.

She was basically the perfect daughter for every mother. The perfect woman for all the young and foolish boys who would kiss her feet.

I would have considered her a perfect girlfriend if I ever had a teenage son, but whenever those striking eyes were on me, it was only leeriness blanketing the sachee brown irises, like black oil corroding a metal, or a raging storm clouding a still sky. Even how hard she tries to not to, she sees me as a threat.

Yeah, she was beautiful. Lovely even.

But delicate. And young. And innocent. Her skepticism about me was a gift because it would sure save her from a lot of trouble. I didn't need to stay away if she was already repulsive of me.

Though for the record, I didn't want her. The idea was equally distasteful.

I didn't have any inclination to fool around with anyone working under me. I would never stoop so low. I didn't even fuck the whores in my brothels, let alone the babysitter. Lana was unhinged and delusional. She clearly didn't know what she was grousing about.

Kahit na posible, hindi ako pumipitas ng bulaklak na bagong usbong pa lang. Girls like Abby would get crushed in my world. It was no place for fragile sweet things. Besides, according to Lana's implications of me, it seemed that everything I touch, I destroy.

Nothing Sinful

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