Chapter 4 

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains graphic descriptions of non-con/dub-con sexual scenes, mind control, coercion, forced alcohol consumption, graphic descriptions of violence, gore, body horror.________________

Having an entire room's undivided attention on him was harder than Jungkook thought. What made it even harder was the fact that it was so easy to tell that they actually cared about him. Jungkook couldn't remember the last time he spoke to someone and had them listen to his words like this.

He worked at a damn E-mart, people didn't look at him unless they needed something. Even in his normal day to day life Jungkook just... blended into the background. He wasn't used to being treated as a person.

But in this guest bedroom he had everyone's eyes on him. These strangers he knew for less than a day, really, listened to his every word like he was important. Jungkook's throat felt a little tight but he ignored it.

"If that's what you want." Jimin said softly. "I can try."

Jungkook nodded. He wanted to remember. Because left to his own devices and without any answers, Jungkook's brain would try to fill in the blanks and he knew he wouldn't come up anything nice.

"I have a small suggestion." Seokjin started and then looked at Jungkook. "With your permission, of course."

Jungkook blinked. There was something in his chest that he couldn't understand.

"Yeah, sure." He mumbled just so he could ignore whatever this feeling was.

"It's been barely two days." Seokjin started, sympathetic eyes locked on Jungkook. "We told you a lot of things that are very hard to digest. You don't have to go through all this in one breath. Why don't you take time to process what you've learned so far? I don't want it to overwhelm you."

There was an inhuman amount of care in Seokjin's voice that Jungkook wanted so badly to cry. It wasn't fair that they cared for him like this.

"I already have a headache." He said instead, trying to divert his own attention and emotions. "I just – "

He paused and looked down at his hands. At his bandaged wrists. His right hand still didn't look completely right.

"We don't know what they did to me." Jungkook started. "I mean we know they hurt me because –" he motioned towards his entire body, " – it's a bit obvious... but we don't know what they actually did to me."

"You can tell what the most obvious injuries are because they're obvious but what if they hurt me in a way that doesn't show?" Jungkook said silently before meeting Seokjin's eyes. "If I spend too much time not knowing I'm only going to come up with the worst answers. I want to remember and I want to do it now – even if it hurts."

Seokjin listened like every word out of Jungkook's mouth carried actual physical weight. His deep brown eyes soft and understanding, his brows just slightly pinched in thought. He nodded once and turned to Jimin.

Jimin caught Seokjin's eyes and then looked at Jungkook, momentarily unsure.

"Again," he started slowly. "I can only do this one way. If it works, you will remember everything and I mean everything. It's not something I can reverse."

They were giving him an out. It would be as easy as breathing to say he changed his mind. Jungkook was scared. Whatever had been done to him couldn't be nice in any way – he was a vampire for fucks sake – but the alternative to all of this was to listen to his brain spew conspiracy theories and the last thing Jungkook wanted to deal with was himself.

"I understand." He said. "I want to do it."

Jimin's expression was unreadable to Jungkook but he nodded and gave a light smile. Nobody seemed angry or disappointed by Jungkook's decision. Maybe a little... protective?

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