Chapter 6 

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Yoongi forced down the yawn building in his chest. He didn't sleep at all and he wasn't in the mood to be lectured by Seokjin about his lack of proper sleep schedule, especially when the man was right about it.

It wasn't like he'd stayed up for the hell of it. He did work. He read books. He was certain he found some medicine that could help Jungkook.

"I'm not saying anything." Seokjin said.

"I'm thankful for it, hyung." Yoongi replied.

"But you should know that I'm thinking it." Seokjin said.

"I assumed you were, hyung." Yoongi replied.

"Good. You should know my thoughts and feelings on important matters. It's the foundation of a healthy relationship."

"I know, hyung."

"Yoongichi, your unhealthy relationship with your sleep schedule worries me. You can always come talk to me about it."

"I don't have an unhealthy relationship with my sleep schedule, hyung."

"Did you sleep at all?"

"Yes, I actually did."

"Was it more than ten minutes on an actual bed instead of my office chair?"

"Your original question didn't include time and place specifications."

"I can look into couple's therapy for you and your sleep schedule. Hyung wants you to have a happy, healthy relationship with it."

"I don't have a sleep schedule."

Seokjin gasped, "You two broke up."

"Hyung." Yoongi finally pressed his forehead against Seokjin's arm in defeat. "I didn't sleep enough."

"The first step of healing is acceptance, hyung is very proud of you."

"Fuck off."

Seokjin chuckled heartily and wrapped one arm around Yoongi's shoulders. They could keep this nonsense conversation going for hours but Yoongi actually was tired and it was too early.

"The elevator ride is long," Seokjin pointed out. "Get some shut eye until we make it."

Yoongi glanced at the elevator doors and then looked sideways at which floor they were going down. Seokjin was right. It was a long ride down.

The elevator worked so smooth that it almost felt like it wasn't moving at all. Back when it had been first opened for public-vampire use it used to give Yoongi claustrophobia. It had reminded Yoongi of coffins – small and underground. It still did remind Yoongi of coffins but at least he wasn't afraid of riding it anymore.

He must have actually passed out for a bit because Yoongi jolted when Seokjin kissed the top of his head.

"Five floors for you to look presentable." Seokjin teased.

"I'm always presentable." Yoongi grumbled. Still, he ran his hand through his hair to make sure it was good. Dressing in all black had its perks.

The elevator stopped with a barely noticeable hum and its doors opened unceremoniously.

Seoul wasn't a big city. It wasn't the smallest either. Despite its size, their beloved Seoul managed to keep secrets.

The Underground was one of them. It was an old building, reminiscent of cathedrals. High ceilings, wide rooms, hallways that snaked on for forever. An upside down version of Seoul above them.

It was fixed every few decades to make sure it was still safe. In fact if Yoongi's memory was right it was due a restoration in a handful years. Despite all these restorations its design had barely changed from its origins. Better material was added and some decoration had been updated but it kept its classic vibe.

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