Part 1!

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*💙🔥* It was a cold day in Snowden per usual sans was just getting off of his shift and on his way to grilby's. He had been going there for as long as he could remember, recently grilby had even been letting him do comedy standups, it was like his second home. His slipper covered feet crunched through the snow as he walked. He saw the old brick building approach with a sense of warmth. The bell above the door rung as he opened it and grilby looked up to see him. 💙"always a man of few words huh?" Sans said sitting himself down at one of the barstools, 🔥"silence" the awkward silence filled the air. 💙"he's always pretty quiet but not like this" sans thought with a sense of unease. As sans sat there he thought about what he was going to do for his next stand up, he was so deep in thought that he didn't even notice grilby leaving until he came back and sat a bottle of ketchup infront of him staring him from his thoughts. 💙"Oh! Thanks!" He said as he brought the bottle to his lips. As he was drinking he looked around and slowly saw what was off. There was no one else here...💙"strange..." he thought setting Dow the now empty bottle. 💙"hay bud just put that on my tab will you" he said eyeing the fire elimental. Grilby froze 🔥"I actually wanted to speak with you about that" grilby said, the room getting hotter by the minute💙"oh!" Sans said a bit startled 💙"what's up!" He was sweating witch was a bit surprising considering he's a skeleton. 🔥"your in severe debt to me sans, until you pay it back you cannot eat here anymore" sans froze 💙"not eat at grilbys!" he thought, the idea of only eating his brothers food sent a chill down his spine.🔥"I have another way you can pay me back though" grilby said glancing at the skeleton, sans perked up. 💙"oh! What is it!" His tone was stressed. Grilby froze for a minute...🔥"sans....I can't keep dening it anymore, I want to" grilby paused. The little shop was now so hot that the glasses were glowing 💙"hay, bud? You ok? I don't mind whatever it is! We've been friends for so long, I'd do anything for you" his tone was so genuine that it made grilby fell horrible for what he was about to ask...🔥"sans, in order to pay off your debt.... I want you to service me...". Sans froze, the silence was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. 💙"this is not what I was thinking he was going to ask for.... I thought I was going to be cleaning for him or something, but this?!?" Sans sat deep in thought. 🔥"you know what this was a mistake! Forget I ever said anything!" Grilby said frantically turning away. 💙"wait! I'll do it! Sans said, a blue glow in his socket. To be continued....

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