Chapter 10: Confrontation, Tamed, and a new mission

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Sonic told me to meet him and the gang at the beach in front of his shack at sunset. We apparently needed to talk.

I arrive there and look at everyone confused. They all have the serious and mature expressions on their faces. I gulp.

"So, what am I here for?" Sonic sighed and said, "Crystal, you've been acting strange. You've been asking for specific help for your powers, you've turned evil, and are spending WAY too much time in the forest!"

"I just like the scenery," I lied. "Don't lie to us, Crystal! Tell us what's going on." Sonic said, impatiently. I take a deep breath and explain why I've been in the forest so much, why I was asking for help. I couldn't explain really why I turned evil, though, but they understood.

I then told the gang about Shadow and I's relationship...

"Crystal! Why?! That faker is an enemy!" Sonic said, almost pissed. "Don't talk about him like that." I mumbled through my gritted teeth. "Crystal, you shouldn't be in a relationship with him! He's trying to manipulate you into his army to destroy the world." Sticks said.

I roll my eyes and my stare got more intense. I got a headache. I got harassed with more rude comments. I felt pain increase more in my head.

I suddenly collapsed, knowing what was happening. I gripped my head with my hands and I thrashed against the sand. I screamed out in pain. My friends took immediate action and rushed to my side.

"Come on, Crystal! You can fight it!"
"Crystal, settle down!"
"Get away, faker!"
"Calm down, blue hedgehog."
"Well I oughta-"
"Crys, remember this isn't you. Remember the real Crystal. You're not Midnight." I heard the voice of Shadow trying to calm me down

"I'm not Midnight."
"You're not Midnight."
"I'm not Midnight."
"You're not Midnight."
"I'm not Midnight."
"You're not Midnight."

I calmed down and see that Shadow was holding my shoulders, a small dash of worry in his eyes.

I looked behind him and saw my friends with now shocked expressions. Probably because Shadow tamed Midnight, for now.

I get up and look at my friends in disbelief. "Half of the reason I'm spending more time with Shadow is because I'm trying to control Midnight. No one else has the same dark side as me. It's apparently a thing that only royals have."

"Wait- Crystal. You're a princess?" Sonic asked. "You ARE???" Amy said, eyes wide.

"Correction. Queen." Shadow said.

"WHAT?!" the whole gang shouted.

"Okay. So there once was this kingdom called Gemstone. We all lives in perfect harmony. Everyone was friends. And we all had a line of rulers, like Queen Aleena, aka my mom and my mentor. But that all changed one day when a ferocious monster stormed into our kingdom and destroyed everything in its path. Mom sacrificed herself for me so I can carry on our legacy and bear future leaders of our nation. My whole family was killed. All of my friends were dead. Everyone was dead. I'm the last of my kingdom. So, technically, I'm the queen." I explained.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, Crystal." Tails said, sympathetically. "It's okay."

"Well," Amy said, "How about we save and restore your kingdom, Crystal?" "I would love that, Amy, but that monster is ferocious. He's bigger than all of you combined!" "Well, I guess we're going to have to make the best of it!" Sonic said, pumping his fist into the air.

"Alright, but Shadow needs to come. We could use an extra set of hands." I said. Sonic grumbled, but accepted.

"Let's go save that kingdom!" Tails exclaimed!

End of Chapter 10

A Crystal in the Shadows (Boom! Shadow x OC! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now