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(Y/n)'s POV.

When they finished getting ready to go to the mall, me and (B/n) went aside and stood in front of the car we'll be driving.

"Alright guys, Merly, Elendira, and Knives will go with me, while the rest will go with (B/n)." They all nodded at what I said and went inside the car, as I got inside the driver seat, Knives sat beside me in the front seat while the girls sat in the passenger seat. Smiling at them, I quickly started our journey to a different mall. Driving at an average speed to let the girl behind me enjoy the view of a busy city such as the States.

"Whoa.." Merly gasped at the sight of unique-looking people, far from their ordinary humans.

"Fascinating isn't it?" I said. I looked in the rear-view mirror to see her nodding. She kept looking at the unique human walking down the street that seems far from their original human back in their universe. She gasped and was awed at this and that.

"How exactly did humans evolve into what they are now?" Merly asked. I hum at the question.

"We don't know how it happened, but it all started when they have this strange baby who was born with a meta ability to radiate light in Qing Qing, China. After that phenomenon, more people were born with different kinds of abilities such as being able to levitate things, learn things in a second, use elemental powers such as Ice, and more. It evolved into what our world has become now." I told them as I pointed at the person whose head is a literal cone and people who had bodies to function well with their quirk.

"But it wasn't easy at first. They were not accepted since people with meta abilities were few back then." I started to recall the history of how humans with abilities can finally co-exist together and even had more population than the quirkless.

"Thus the era of vigilantes came, people fighting for their own rights.." it was silent for a while before I continued.

"Finally, acceptance." I smiled. I looked at Knives who was silent after hearing the history of humanity in my universe. He watched the road while pondering over what I said. I focused back on the road and continued the story.

"Having meta-abilities doesn't mean all the users used their own power for goodness. That's why there's a saying, 'With great power, comes great responsibility'. If the privileged use their power for their own needs, then the one who doesn't have them will suffer." Stopping at a red light. I reminiscences the history of my own world.

"And it did happen. For a long time, humanity had tried to gain back their peace by waging a long war with the evilness that took control of the world once." Sighing, I started to drive once the lights turned green.

"It was a long battle until one with power, strong enough to compare with the evil... Finally came and bring us all peace." I finished the story there since we reached our destination.

Of All World? [Trigun Stampede x BNHA!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now