xxviii : loose ends

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author's note: hiii guys , long time no see !  i apologize for the delay on this chapter and the delay that will likely happen for any future chapters. just writer's block + mental illness, i'll be fine, hopefully! and i'll update when i can.

i'm alive tho! struggling a little but still here lol
enjoy :)

additional note: (tw: death/moonbin) as of the time of me writing this chapter, the news of moonbin's passing just hit. i already left something up on my wall, but i wanted to offer my condolences to all of his fans and his family and friends. i am not an aroha, but moonbin will be missed by arohas and non arohas alike. please check on your loved ones today. they might need it. 🫶


where do yall wanna eat
also, u know what, yuqi
i want u to come too

really?~ aw, you do love me
after all

yeah don't let it get to ur head
loser i just felt like since u were
the one who got slapped in the face
u deserve to eat with us too

oh, i'm so honored

yeah whatever anyways where
yall wanna eat

Actually, we were thinking of going
to the café that Chomi works at

girl what
i cannot guarantee that she doesn't
hate u i do not think that is a good

I really don't care. I need to talk
to her.

ok but the entire reason i wanna take
us to eat is to make up for how shitty
last night was i rly don't wanna do
it all over again

yeah honestly minnie kinda has
a point
talking to chomi is one thing but
showing up to her work place
without her knowledge after last
night just would be kinda..
i dont know
or tone deaf

How about this.
We don't have to eat there, but let
me go in by myself and talk to her.
Just for a minute or two. If she
wants me to leave, I'll leave.

i mean, if you're sure you want
to, i guess i won't stop you. i just
don't get why we can't just do this
another time

i don't think it's a good idea but
yeah, i won't stop u

Well, Eunseo slapping Yuqi wasn't
a good idea either lmfao

if she gets mad at you, i had
nothing to do with it.



"Are you sure about this?" Minnie emphasized as she put the car in park.

"Yes. For the thousandth time." Soyeon replied, rolling her eyes light heartedly as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

"Let me go in with you then." I sighed.

"Huh?" Soyeon sounded. "I mean, if you want to I guess. But I really don't need any help."

"Ugh, well, guess I'm going too." Minnie gave in, bringing a little smile to my lips.

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