Ending • Love Can Change... You

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"It's fine Nai Bo" Xiao Zhan smiled, "As long as you're here, with me"

Wang Yibo then grasped something on his pocket as he showed a small box, "And I'll be with you forever"

Xiao Zhan, "..."

Seeing Xiao Zhan stunned, Wang Yibo then slowly opened the box and a shining diamond ring pop up.

Wang Darren with mouth gaped open doesn't know how to react. Well, he's abit jealous tho. It was just he remember how he became Zhan's husband in 7 years through PAPERS.
Whilst, Haikuan grinned at them sheepishly. He's expecting this one since He helped Yibo to buy that ring which is cost of billions before Yibo slept for a month.

Wang Yibo finally looked at Xiao Zhan fondly, "I wish I could give you everything, but I hope that this ring is enough"

He continues, "Baobao... Will you marry me?"

Xiao Zhan froze on his place even more! it is just happened so fast like literally not just a single day passed since Yibo woke up.

Is he dreaming?!

The people in this room suddenly flinched when Zhan slapped himself.

Yibo alarmed, "!!!" He then hurriedly grabbed Zhan's hand and worriedly says, "Sean?! Is it hurt?!!" He caresses Zhan's cheek.

When Xiao Zhan realized he wasn't dreaming he then replies in astonishment, "N-No... I'm just...-"

Wang Yibo giggled, "You ain't dreaming, love"

Xiao Zhan's heart pounds rapidly as he eyed the fine ring and then recalled a scenario.

It was when Yibo tried to help Xiao Zhan to cut a pork that time they were alone in the Wang's Mansion.

Xiao Zhan fliched when he heard a clung sound that echoed in entired kitchen. He immediately set eyes on Wang Yibo who is now blankly staring at his bloody left ring finger. The knife laying on the floor.

"Mr. Wang!" Xiao Zhan shouted in horror and rush towards Wang Yibo.

He then immediately grasped Yibo's hand. Xiao Zhan took a tissue from a corner and wiped the blood gently.

"Tsk. I told you! You should stayed back, why are you so stubborn?!" Xiao Zhan said in panic as Wang Yibo felt Xiao Zhan's grip tightens.

Wang Yibo retreat his hand away from Xiao Zhan, "So what?! It was not that you stabbed me!"

Xiao Zhan then saw the blood from Wang Yibo's wound starts to flow. Xiao Zhan didn't hesitated to grabbed Wang Yibo's hand again.

Xiao Zhan, "Take off your ring"

Wang Yibo, "Why?"

Xiao Zhan snorted, "Mr. Wang! Aren't you afraid that it might stained by your blood?"

It was the engagement ring Xiao Zhan's talking about. Based on its appearance the ring made by a high quality materials. Actually, Xiao Zhan is the one who's scared because of how expensive it looks like. Xiao Zhan wish he could wear that kind of a ring someday, for now it's impossible.

This time Xiao Zhan's tears start to fall... He couldn't believe it! Really!

Being engaged with Wang Yibo and be his husband is just the only left he's fighting for until now!

Wang Yibo softens at this sight as he wipes the tears slowly coming down from Zhan's eyes.

"I've already wasted alot of time while we're apart and Now, I won't let things nor time to hinder our love again." Yibo's eyes is trying to betray him, A tear fell from his cheek.

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