-Chapter 2-

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~Wilbur Third Person POV~

Wilbur woke up, brushing his teeth and taking a morning shower. Once he finished the brushed his hair out, getting it ready for today. Tommy and Techno were down eating breakfast. He joined when he got there, enjoying the food and creating small talk. 

"Wilby, can you ride home with us tonight?" Tommy asked looking up at his older brother. Wilbur thought for a second before smiling, "Yeah, I will." He said looking at his younger brother, then glanced at Techno.

Techno had a barely visible smile on his face while looking at Wilbur. Looking down at his plate when Wilbur looked at him. Wilbur smirked. "What? You happy about that?" He said laughing after, Tommy joining in. Techno looked back up with a glare towards Wilbur. 

Tommy stopped laughing looking down with a wide grin. Wilbur folding his arms at Techno. "What? You smiled about that." Techno rolled his eyes. Looking at Tommy who was looking at his food still, and Techno could see the obvious smile on his face, rolling his eyes once more.

They finished their breakfast and put it in the sink, saying by to Phil, then walking out the door. Techno locked the door, soon getting to the driver's side of the car. Wilbur and Tommy were already in there messing around with the radio.

Techno sighed, starting the car and driving away. Wilbur smiled at Tommy as he mocked and imitated Techno. Wilbur was soon laughing when Tommy tried the Techno glare. Techno say this and scoffed. "You're doing it wrong." He said before doing the face. "That's how it's done."

Tommy's eyes sparkled while seeing Techno do that. Wilbur rolled his eyes, "Wow Techno, thanks." He said crossing his arms and staring out the window to see them pulling into the car-line of Tommy's school. Techno looked at him, before waving Tommy out. Wilbur said by t Tommy and went back to glaring at the window. 

"You're acting so childish Wilbur." Wilbur looked at him, pouting his lips. "That's mean, you're a meanie." He said smiling after, which led to a laugh, and Techno sat there amused, chuckling a bit.

Wilbur gasped, dramatically covering his mouth. "You laughed!" He said shocked. Techno sighed and rolled his eyes, "You do know I'm not incapable of smiling and laughing right?" Wilbur's shock-ness was soon replaced by a smug smile. "I know, you did it this morning." Techno looked at him, more of a glare. 

Wilbur kept the smile on his face looking in front of him, releasing his arms from the fold and grabbing his phone. "Whatever." He checked the time before looking out the window as the car slowly came to a stop. He put his phone back in his pocket, unbuckling himself, Techno doing the same. 

They got out of the care and went into the building. Techno left him to start his classes, but Wilbur was planning on skipping his first few classes. He went out of the school building he was in and went behind a big wall in the back of the school. He had his bag with him and grabbed the cigarette box, and a lighter. 

He was very surprised that he wasn't caught by a teacher with these. Especially since they claim their all about safety and nothing dangerous, or harmful to the students around. Wilbur obviously didn't care about his safety. He slide down against the wall, now sitting on the floor smoking. He heard someone running his way. He sighed and put the cigarette out and dropped it standing up. 

It was a girl. he only saw this because he looked her way in a shocked expression. She was crying and she had a few bruises on her. "Are you okay?" He asked getting closer, taking in her features. She was wearing ripped jeans, the rips starting at her kneecaps. A baggy-ish shirt on and a beanie displaying large white letters 'LAFD'. It stood out against the dark blue. 

The girl looked at him. Shaking her head vigorously, then dropping to her knees holding her chest. "A...what happened to you?" He asked getting even closer. "I don't wanna talk about it." Wilbur was suddenly caught off guard and stopped moving. "Wait...your a guy?!" He said shocked.

The boy looked at him confused, still heavily breathing. "Yeah?" Wilbur blushed in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I thought you were- never mind... I don't need to explain, you get it." The other giggled a bit, "Yeah, sorry I didn't mean to come back here." The boy in the beanie said looking at the floor, seeing the cigarette a few feet away from the taller boy. 

"Oh no, but seriously your hair and height made you look-" The shorter boy shot a glare at him. "Don't fucking call me short." Wilbur wasn't offended by the smaller's attempt to scare him. Wilbur playfully put his hands up in surrender. "Sorry." He said grabbing another cigarette. He lit it and put it to his lips. Before seeing the other boy staring. 

Wilbur smiled. "You won't tell right?" Wilbur said, it sounded intimidating to the shorter, but he nodded. Wilbur pulled it away blowing out the smoke, putting it back to his lips. "Good, it'll be our little secret." He took another drag of it. He glanced at the boy who looked at the other side of the wall. 

"Well I'll get going, there gone now." The boy was now standing, looking back at Wilbur. "Ok, nice to talk to you?" He said. He didn't really know what to say. The smaller smiled. "Oh I'm Alex by the way." He said. Wilbur nodded in showing the other he understood. "Wilbur." Wilbur said taking another drag of his cigarette.

The boy, Alex, soon walked off, trying to get to the building without giving away his and Wilbur's spot. Also trying to not be seen by the someone he was running from. Wilbur took notice since he was watching the boy go, just to make sure no one else was coming.

Once Wilbur finished there he started casually walking back to the buildings. He entered, seeing the halls filled with students. He smiled seeing Techno. Wilbur made his way over to the other, who was currently standing at his locker.

"Hello Techno." He said leaning against the lockers beside Techno, who rolled his eyes looking at Wilbur. He soon scrunched up his nose. "Why d you smell like smoke." Wilbur shrugged. "Doesn't matter." He continued talking to Techno, who discarded the fact Wilbur smelt like that.

Someone bumped into Wilbur, obviously in a hurry. "Watch it." He said seeing the same shorter boy with a face filled with worry. Grabbing the things that fell. "Sorry!" He said panicky running away. Soon another guy running. "Get your ass back here dumbass!" He yelled running after him.

Wilbur assumed this was who Alex was running from earlier. "Damn." Techno said, catching Wilbur's attention. "What?" He said confused. "Nothing, just that kid was running earlier. From the same guy." Techno closing his locker and leaned against it. Wilbur looked the way the two ran. "Oh."

The bell rang, meaning they were meant to be heading to the next class. Wilbur and Techno cut the conversation short walking towards the next class, together. "Well I'll see you at lunch." He said before entering his class. Techno nodded, walking a few doors down to his class.


I know, I know. Second part done and I'm happy about that. Uhhh... I dont know what else. 

Words: 1250

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