Chapter 8

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Jade didn't go back to the house until Monday. Gregory had come to get her even though Christian was working and she was nervous to be in the house with just his mom and sister.

"Hello Jade" Ellen said as she went inside.


"You know Christian's at work right?"

"Oh yes he told me".

"Okay then I was just going to take a nap if that's alright".

"Yea I'm fine to hang out alone".

"Okay then" Ellen nodded going upstairs to her room. A little while later Jade went upstairs before running into Camille.

"Hi Camille" she said to her.

"Hey I didn't know you were here".


"So you're actually dating him. I didn't know he was capable of more than working" she said laughing a little.

"Yea. When we met I thought it was gonna be hard to keep up with him but he makes time for us".

"Oh well that's good and you're 18 right".

"Yes I am".

"Oh okay".

"Are you close with your brother?" Jade asked her.

"Uh I'm a lot closer with Corden. Christian moved out when he was 16 that's when he and Ethan moved here to start a business. I was only 9 so even then we didn't talk much he was just my older protective brother. He usually kept to himself though anyways".


"What about you, do you have siblings?"

"I have one brother, Nick he's 15. He stays at the hospital since he's sick".

"Can I ask what happened to him?"

"Cancer. He's getting treatments" Jade said.

"Oh I'm sorry".

"It's okay. The doctors say he's getting better as long as he stays on the treatment".

"That's good to hear" she said before Jade's phone buzzed.

'I needs you to do something' Christian texted.

'Yes daddy?'

'Go play with yourself for me'

'Sir I'm with your sister'

'Princess I didn't ask if you were busy'

'I know daddy but I can't just go do that'

'Fine then. When I get home be prepared'

'Yes sir. I'm sorry'

'Don't be sorry just be ready'

Jade wasn't sure what be ready meant. If she was being punished or if they were gonna have fun.
She talked to Camille for a while and they hung out until Jade got another text from Christian saying he was five minutes away.
She found an excuse to go to his room.

She took off her clothes sitting on the top of his bed. A few minutes later the door opened and Christian walked in.

"How was work daddy?" she asked as he took off his suit jacket. He glared at her but didn't reply, going into his closet as Jade grew more nervous.

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