Chapter 22

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Jade sat on the bed, pretty much frozen until she heard the door downstairs. Her heart nearly stopped and her hands started to sweat. She had been sitting here for hours trying to think of what to say or how to tell him, but nothing. Even thinking about saying the words made her nauseous.

Christian walked in on the phone. He kissed her quickly before starting towards his dresser. She watched him talk and move while he took off his watch and emptied his pockets.

"Great, thank you. I just got home, so we'll talk tomorrow. Yes, for sure. Good bye" he said before hanging up and turning to her with very tired eyes.

"Long day?" Jade asked to confirm what she thought.

"Very long, princess. I missed you" he said standing in front of the bed. He reached out for her hands and pulled her to sit on her knees. He kissed her again before starting to take off his belt. She really debated going along with it, maybe she wouldn't have to talk about it.


"Yea, baby".

"I- I um" she started before looking down in to her lap.

"Jade" he said putting his hand under chin, lifting her head and turning it to the side to examine the newly forming hickey.
He has no trouble remembering the marks he leaves on her body, this wasn't one of them.

"Christian, please".

"What is this?" He asked, but he could feel a slight panic starting to set in.

"I'm sorry, baby. Please. I messed up" Jade cried as she grabbed his hands.

"What did you do?"

"I'm sorry" she repeated with teary eyes "he just showed up and one thing after another. I just wasn't thinking okay, but it was a mistake. Just please, we can figure this out".
He shook her off a bit rougher than he meant to causing her to fall back on to the bed.

"Say it, Jade" he shouted at her as she cried. She had never heard him raise his voice before, it was safe to say she jumped a little.

"I slept with him. I'm so sorry, I didn't want to hurt you. Let me make it up to you please, whatever you want me to do".

"You think this will just blow over with some fucking punishment. I know my cousin quite well, but you, I trusted. Now I can't even look at you".

"Christian, I'm sorry" she cried.

"Stop saying that. It doesn't mean shit to me" he said turning to walk away and she got off the bed too.

"I know 'sorry' isn't enough okay, but it was a mistake and it would never happen again. I just need you to listen to me".

"I'm listening, Jade. I left for a few fucking hours and he came onto you and that was enough. That's what happened isn't, you're gonna say it wasn't your fault. Well that's not enough for me. I'm done" he said going into the closet as she followed.

"Please don't do this, Christian. Please" she sobbed as she watched him shove a bunch of her clothes into suitcases. There he was slipping further and further away from her.
"Please, I love-" she was saying but was startled by him turning to her quickly.

He stood over her, anger and sadness all over his face.
"Do not make this the first time you say that, not after what you've done to me. I thought that's what we had and clearly that doesn't mean shit to you. So save it. Take your shit and get out" he said angrily then he roughly wiped a tear and went to grab the suitcases.

She followed him downstairs begging and pleading with him, but he set the bags right outside of the door. She watched him start to walk away, but he stopped at the couch, bent down, and picked up a pair of underwear.
His heart broke and Jade's sunk as he turned to her. Her expression told him all he needed to know. She didn't have anymore words, but right now she'd rather fight and argue than leave.

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