An Argument.

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I do not own KDA, LoL, NFS 2015, or anything referenced.

-Grey POV-

I get onto the highway and cruise while listening to Hollywood Undead. I look in my rearview mirror to see the Daytona from before. They flash their high beams quickly and I look for any cops. I get confused as they do it again...then again. They begin to gain on me and I shift lanes. My eyes widen as they do the same. "Fuck this." I say and slam on the gas pedal.

I slowly pull away as they also speed up. As I weave in and out of cars, surprisingly they don't hesitate to follow. "The fuck is their problem?" I ask myself and see three tractor trailers. "Try this you bastard." I growl and push the Subaru more. The needle hits the red as I catch up to the trucks. I rip the handbrake and drift through the small opening of two trucks, releasing it, I counter steer, and straighten up.

I shift to fifth and pull away from the trucks. Looking into my rearview I see the Daytona couldn't make the gap. "See you bitch." I say and turn my music up. I hit the off ramp and decided to run the red light at the top of the hill. I don't slow down until I enter the garage. I lean back in my seat and try to ease my mind. I get out and walk into the apartment.

"Grey?" Kai'sa says softly and I quickly look at her.

"Oh! Hey Kai." I say and go to grab a drink.

"You're never this jumpy." She says and i smile at her.

"It's nothing." I say and she walks up resting a hand on my cheek.

"You're shivering." She says and I move away from her.

"I'm fine. Just a close call is all." I say and she frowns.

"You live for close calls. Even before your Subaru." Kai'sa says and I look at her. Her eyes widen as she gets closer. "What happened?" She asks.

"Nothing." I say and she crosses her arms.

"Grey." She says and I frown.

"Don't worry about it Kai'sa. What time do you girls need to get up tomorrow?" I ask and she smiles.

"Seven." She says and I nod. I walk up to her and kiss her head gently.

"See you in the morning." I say softly and she kisses my cheek.

"See you." She says and walks to her room. I watch her walk away and chuckle as I touch my cheek. My phone vibrates And I look to see Silvervale calling me. I chuckled as the photo was of her trying to grab a box from the top shelf. I swipe up and answer her.

"Yo." I say grabbing an apple from the fridge.

"Hey Grey. I'm playing Resident Evil Five, and I wanted to know if you could play Sheeva for me." She says as I bite into the apple.

"Tonight?" I ask before chewing the apple.

"Tomorrow. I already streamed the drift spot." She reminded me and I chuckle softly.

"Yeah I'll play with you." I say and she cheers happily.

"Thank you! My viewers were confused, and angry that they never saw your face!" She announces.

"Hey could we keep my face between us?" I ask.

"Why?!" She whines softly.

"Just personal reasons." I say.

"Fine." She says in a sad voice and I could almost HEAR the puppy dog eyes.

"How about I owe you one? Anything you want." I offer.

"Anything?" She asks cautiously.

"Except kill someone." I say and she chuckles.

"I got ya. See you tomorrow stud." Silver says.

"See you tomorrow beautiful." I say lowly. We hung up and I put my phone in my pocket.

"Who are you seeing tomorrow?" Evelyn asks coming from the shadows.

"A friend of mine." I say and she crosses her arms with a glare on her face.

"See you tomorrow Beautiful." She mocks while looking at me. I roll my eyes and look to see one of my jackets on the couch.

"You want to get on me for calling a girl beautiful. But how many times have I asked you NOT to let your boy toys touch my clothes?! Why do they dress in my clothes anyway?!" I ask angrily.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me." She says lowly as I snatch my jacket up.

"Then give me a reason not to! Every last man you brought to this apartment, you made wear my clothes!" I yell at her.

"Why are you so mad?!" She yells back. "You usually don't give a fuck!" She yells getting closer. I pick up the jacket to show her the new stains and tears in it. "And?" She asks.

"This jacket was made by my Grandmother. This is the last thing I have from her." I tell her and I watch her eyes widen. "This was the ONLY thing I asked you not to hand out. Now it's fucking ruined." I say and toss it back on the couch.

"That's why it was so far back in the closet." She says and I chuckle.

"Yeah." I say and go to grab my Subaru keys again.

"Where are you going?" She asks and I look at her.

"Fucking out!" I yell and slam the door as I leave. I walk all the way to the garage again. I pull out my phone and call Travis.

"Sup New Blood?" He says and I scoff.

"I need a route. Don't care where." I say and he chuckles.

"Come to the shop Kid. I've got a deal you can't refuse." He says and I sigh.

"Gotcha man." I say and pull out the garage. I put the gas pedal to the floor and sped out of the parking lot.

-Evelyn POV-

I pick up Grey's jacket and look at all the damage done to it. I frowned at how he talked to me. "A pet should treat his Mistress with respect." I growl to myself. I think back to my own family and sigh. I pull out my phone and call my Mother.

"Hello my Little Shadow. How can Mommy help you?" The sultry voice of my Mother asks softly. I lift Grey's jacket up to my eye level.

"I've damaged Grey's favorite jacket and I want to repair it." I say and my mother giggles.

"Is my Evelyn finally going to settle down?" She asks.

"No! It's for my pet." I say quickly and the phone is quiet.

"Evelyn. No Succubus even the next in line for the throne. Would waste our time on a 'pets' item. I also remember that you talked about him a lot throughout your childhood. Along with little Ahri, Akali. And Kai'sa." Mother says in a knowing tone.

"I'm still draining men of their essence!" I yell at her.

"Then why haven't you killed Grey yet?" She asks and I go quiet. "You know once a Succubus settles down, and or finds a man good enough to settle down with. They will slowly get less and less essence from strangers." She says. I think back to the last couple of males. I needed four of them this week to barely satiate my hunger.

"How did Dad die?" I ask cautiously.

"He died protecting me while I was pregnant with you. Don't worry, the essence you take from your husband quickly comes back to him." She says and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"How did you tell Dad you were a demon?" I ask and she laughs.

"Your father figured it out before we became friends." She says and I grip the phone tightly. "Don't worry Sweety. Mommy will be there soon to take the jacket." She says and hangs up.

"Dad knew mom was a demon before they dated." I say to myself before going to Grey's room. "I' the morning." I say and force the word apologize out of my mouth.

-Kai'sa knows Grey was chased home and he was scared. Which is weird because usually Grey likes that stuff. Grey and Evelyn had their first spat which causes Grey to leave. What deal does Travis have for our young racer? Evelyn's mother reveals a little about her father, and succubus nature. Will this cause Evelyn to become nicer to Grey? Will she cause this new revelation to overwhelm her? Grey's in her hands. Till next time everyone!-

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