Chapter Four

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A/N: Hello everyone! Thanks so much for reading. It means the world to me. If you want to leave a comment or favorite this story, please go right ahead. I hope you're enjoying the story!

"Well, thank you so much for dinner. The conversation wasn't half bad either," I said. Tom had paid for everything even after my numerous attempts to pick up the tab. Now, standing in front of the inn, my heart sank. I didn't want the night to be over, but knew it had to end sometime. I would never see Tom again, except on the silver screen, but at least I would always had the memory of my night in Stratford-upon-Avon with the Tom Hiddleston. "Really though, it was great meeting you. Maybe we'll run into each other again." Still feeling the light buzz from the wine, I did something the old Ellie never would have even dreamed about. Grabbing Tom's shoulder, I stood on my tip-toes and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. "Goodnight, Tom."

 "Goodnight, Ellie." He opened the front door and waited for me to go in. I laughed when he followed me through the threshold.

 "What are you doing?"

 He shrugged. "Oh, did I forget to mention I was staying here too?"

 My mouth actually fell open. "You are not. I don't believe you." I crossed my arms.

 Tom reached into his pocket, pulling out a familiar looking key and dangling it in front of my face. It matched the one in my own pocket. He raised his eyebrows giving me the 'well-how-bout-that?' look. I rolled my eyes before turning and walking towards the stairs. "You are such a stalker!" I called over my shoulder.

 His laughter followed me up the three flights and down the hallway. At this point I was actually starting to worry that he was confused and thought I had invited him to my room, which I totally had not. The thought hadn't even crossed my mind. Okay, maybe it did once in the restaurant before I quickly shoved it back down into the dark recesses of my brain. When I finally reached my room, Tom stopped too, unlocking the door on the opposite side of the hallway. I gave him a dirty look.

 Holding up his hands, he said, "Coincidence, I swear."

 I just smiled. "Goodnight, Tom."

 "Goodnight, Ellie. Sleep well, darling. I'm sure we'll see each other in the morning."

 I showered and got ready for bed, throwing an over-sized sweatshirt over my camisole and pajama shorts. After I snuggled under the covers I tried to read, but my mind was constantly wandering. I'd be lying if I said my thoughts had nothing to do with the man across the hall.  Tom was just so easy to get along with. My brain, however, had a difficult time trying to see him as both a world famous actor and a normal man. I had seen his face at the local theater in Ashland, but Loki and Tom were so different I couldn't immediately make the connection.

 Looking at the clock on the nightstand, I knew I should try to get some sleep. It was almost 1:00 in the morning, but my brain wouldn't turn off. I decided to go downstairs to the outdoor patio in the middle of the hotel. The night before last, I had gone down there to read and found that the fresh air helped clear my thoughts of home and my old life. While slipping on my moccasins, I pulled a blanket off the bed and grabbed my kindle, praying that no one else had the same idea.

 When I reached the lobby the woman behind the desk smiled. She must have recognized me from the other night. I wasn't sure if the inn liked people going in the outside area at night, but I never disrupted anything. I picked my usual spot on a small, covered love seat near a rosebush and a tiny koi pond, and snuggled up in my blanket. Now I could concentrate on my book and not think about everything that went wrong in my life.

 I had hardly read one paragraph when I noticed someone looming over me. I looked up to see Tom smiling at me with a book in his hand. Like me, he had changed into more comfortable clothes. Instead of his tight black pants and crisp dress shirt, he now had on dark, loose Nike sweatpants and a light blue t-shirt that looked well-worn and soft.

 "Oh my god. You are stalking me!" I laughed.

 He held up his hands and smiled. "I promise you, I am not. What are you reading?" he asked as he sat down next to me on the small couch.

 "Well I was trying to read in peace."

 "Very funny. What's the name of the book you're reading?" he nudged my shoulder with his.

 "It's called The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry. It's about the life of this bookstore owner and the weird things that happen to him as he ages."

 "And you're reading it on an e-reader?"

 "I'm aware of the irony." I smiled. "What about you?"

 Tom held  up the paperback book in his hand. "Coriolanus. It's for a part I'll be playing in London early next year."

 "Oh, wow. That's awesome! Congratulations. Both for getting the part and making me feel unaccomplished in my life."

 Tom put his hand on my knee that I had curled up on the couch. "I think you're a very accomplished woman, Ellie. You've been through more in, what, 25 years?"

 "I'm 28," I answered.

 "Well," he continued, "You've been through more in your 28 years than most people have to go through in a lifetime."

 I felt the loss of warmth once he took away his hand, and I pulled the blanket up to my shoulders and offered him a corner. Tom scooted closer to me, covering his legs with the heavy white throw.

 We sat there reading in a comfortable silence for a long while. Occasionally, Tom would comment on something happening in the play or I would laugh at my book and explain the joke to him. I felt my eyelids getting heavy, and the last thing I remember was hitting the bookmark button and closing my eyes for just a second...

 When I woke up, the world was light. I opened my eyes and immediately shut them. Why did it feel like the sun was in my room with me? And why could I hear silverware scraping on plates from all the way... Oh no! I suddenly realized that what I thought was a pillow behind me was a person. A person with very strong arms, one of which was wrapped around my waist. Everything from last night came flooding back and I shot up. Next to me, Tom stirred. I tried to stand, but his grasp tightened.

 "No, not yet," Tom whined. "It can't be morning yet."

 I tried to peel his arm off my waist. "Tom," I whispered, afraid that if I said anything too loud the people eating breakfast no more than 20 feet away would notice us at last. They must not have seen us yet, otherwise I'm sure they would have said something. "Tom, wake up."

 His eyes fluttered open, and I was instantly filled with joy at the sight of his brilliant blue irises. "Am I still dreaming?" he asked.

 "Uh... no. We actually slept here all night. Crazy, right?" I bit my lip to keep back my smile. I don't know why I thought it was so funny; I had spent the night on a tiny, outdoor couch with a man I just met the day before. It definitely was crazy. I couldn't hold in the giggles.

 Thankfully, Tom started laughing as well, but then I remembered the other guests and ducked down.

 "Shh! They'll see us!" I said through my laughter.

 Tom pulled me down so I was practically laying on top of him and pulled the blanket over the both of us. "Hide!"

 The mood shifted once I realized the position we were in. From the way his smiled faded and lips parted, I could tell he felt it too. In that moment, I knew I wanted to kiss Tom Hiddleston. Heck, in that moment I wanted more than just that, but I shouldn't. I couldn't.

 Tom's gaze drifted to my lips and I bit my bottom lip, hoping it would hide the fact that I was breathing heavier than I was only seconds before. He then brought his hand up to my cheek, his thumb tugging my bottom lip free and I held my breath.

 All too quickly, his hand left my face. Tom cleared his throat. "We should probably go eat breakfast," he said softly. "I'm not sure what time it is, but I'd rather not miss it."

 I nodded and climbed off of him and the couch, no longer concerned if anyone was looking our way.

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