Chapter Sixteen

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By the time I stood outside the door to my flat, searching for my keys, I was feeling less sorry for myself. For one, I found my umbrella. Remarkably, I sat in the exact same car as I did on my morning commute, and accidentally kicked the umbrella when I tucked my heel-less shoe beneath the seat. Also on the train ride home, I caught a glimpse of myself in the black window opposite me, and saw just how horrid I looked. My face was puffy from all the crying, my hair sticking up in all directions, and my eyes... my eyes looked empty.

This was not how I wanted to look. This was not how I wanted to feel. Yes, I missed Tom, but Tom wasn't my life. I could still be me without him. I decided then that once I got home I would change my outfit, get dolled up, and go spend some quality time with myself either at the cinema or shopping on Oxford Street.

I finally found my keys at the bottom of my bag and unlocked the door. When I turned on the entry light, I nearly toppled over on my uneven shoes.

"Surprise!" the twenty-some people in my tiny flat shouted.

Clapping my hand over my chest, I attempted to catch my breath. "Are you kidding me? Oh, you guys... this is so sweet!"

Juliet came over and grabbed my arm. "Happy birthday, Ellie." She gave me a hug and I was immediately pulled into more hugs from Chris and Sarah from work.

"You have no idea how difficult it was not saying anything today," Chris said.

"I thought for sure Carol would burst out of her office with a cake or something," added Juliet.

From near the couch, Carol tutted. Behind her, I saw Ryan standing next to a short woman with long, red hair. I went over to them.

"Ryan, hey!" I said.

He gave me a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek, which somewhat surprisingly wasn't uncomfortable at all. "Happy birthday, Ellie. I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Tori." He gestured to the woman at his side who shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Tori."

"You too. Happy birthday! Your place is lovely," she sounded genuine and full of energy. I was happy Ryan found someone else.

"Thank you. But wait, Ryan... Didn't you go back to the states a couple weeks ago? You didn't fly back just for this, did you? Because I know flights aren't cheap, and-"

"Don't worry about it," Ryan cut me off.

Tori smiled and leaned towards me, as if revealing a secret. "Tom paid for our flights. And the hotel! You're such a lucky woman." She looked over my shoulder and giggled.

I turned around and there he was, no signs of his on-screen wife. It was as if I was in a Disney movie or something, the way everyone in the room went silent and cleared a path between the two of us.

I stared at him, my heart thumping so loud I could hear my pulse. "You did all this?" My voice was soft. "For me?"

He smiled in return. "Happy birthday, El."

Tears filled my eyes, completely against my will. Today was a crying sort of day, except this time, it was a happy thing. I hobbled towards him, and he met me in two long, elegant strides; the complete opposite of mine.

"Thank you," I whispered as I wrapped my arms around his waist, laying my head over his heart.

Tom held me tightly to him, letting my tears fall onto his light blue button-up. I never wanted to let him go. He was cozy and warm - like his magical bed - and with every beat of his heart, it became clear that somehow I had found my way in. Though it may not be the kind shared between lovers, I knew Tom loved me earnestly.

Tucking my hair behind my ear, he leaned down, brushed a kiss on my temple, and said softly, "Wherefore weep you?"

An instant smile replaced my dismal features at his Tempest quote. "I am a fool to weep at what I am glad of," I said.

Tom beamed, placed one more kiss on my cheek, and then stepped back to address the room that was still watching our embrace with curious expressions.

"How about a round of applause for the birthday girl? Isn't she stunning?" He said the last part as his eyes looked me up and down. I was not stunning. I was an uneven, frizzy, humid mess with makeup running down my face.

"Well," Tom continued, "Maybe not at this precise moment." A "hehehe" rang out, followed by an "Oomph" when my broken shoe hit him right in the gut. Everyone laughed when they realized I hadn't thrown it hard enough to actually hurt.

"Just for that," Tom said, pointing my shoe back at me with a fake stern look that couldn't quite conceal his smile, "You aren't getting your gift until later."

Though I knew he didn't mean it in that way, my stomach flipped when I imagined all the scandalous gifts Tom could give me, forcing me to bite back my grin.

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