Chapter Ten

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After the play, Tom and I said our goodbyes to Benedict and Sophie and began our short walk t0 10 Cases. We tried to hold in our critiques of the play until we were far enough away from the theater that anyone who might have just come from the show and enjoyed it wouldn't hear, but we couldn't stop our laughter.

"Give me your hand so that I can chain it to mine and we shall live as prisoners of our love!" I dramatically grabbed Tom's hand as I quoted the play, laughing as I did so.

He continued our rendition, "Hehehe! It is a chain that can never be broken. Only we hold the key!"

I giggled. Tom and I had gone to several plays before. Most of them were really great. Others... well, let's just say this wasn't the first time we made fun of terrible dialogue or acting. After a few more lines, our laughter died down, the remnants of the joy still showing on our faces. We were still holding hands as we walked along the dimly lit street. The shops had closed hours earlier, though signs of life were plentiful, with music and cheering coming from the many pubs on the block and theatre-goers joining in on the nightlife.

"Man, that was, well... it was pretty bad," I said.

"Yes, it wasn't exactly Shakespeare, was it?" he gave me a small smile. Tom and his Shakespeare.

I rolled my eyes. "No one will ever live up to him in your eyes." My heart skipped a beat when Tom intertwined our fingers. I don't know why, but it felt more intimate than simply holding hands. It was something new for us.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love." He squeezed my hand. "Just that one quote alone holds more meaning than the entire play we just experienced."

I always loved it when he quoted Shakespeare. "It doesn't hurt that you're the one speaking the words. But if you're going to quote Shakespeare then you should quote his best play." I stepped into his side, playfully bumping him with my shoulder.

He caught me around the waist, bringing us to a stop next to the brick wall of a bike shop. I thought he was going to say something, but instead he just looked at me, a sense of wonder in his eyes. Then he wrinkled his brow took away the arm he had wrapped around me. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss its presence.

Since Tom apparently wasn't going to say anything, I figured it was my turn to recite a quote. I grinned when I thought of the perfect one from The Tempest. "I would not wish any companion in the world but you."

He smiled a genuine Tom Hiddleston smile at my words, and I felt my heart melt. How could I have been so lucky to meet this man nearly two years before, and be even luckier still to call him my best friend?

Tom took a step closer and leaned into me, breaking the barrier of personal space. I couldn't care less. "The very instant that I saw you did my heart fly to your service," his voice was gravelly and his breath hot as he nearly whispered the words. "There resides to make me slave to it, and for your sake am I this patient log-man."

His lips were so close. I could just reach out and pull his head down...

"Ellie? Is that you?" A voice I hadn't heard in almost two years tore my attention away from Tom.

"Ryan?" I stepped back from Tom and squinted in the direction of the voice. It couldn't be...

"Oh my god, it is you!" From out of the shadows stepped my past, all five-foot nine of him. He looked the same as he did that fateful day I called off our engagement, except now he had a neatly-trimmed beard.

Ryan walked towards me, arms outstretched. "I can't believe you're here!" I gave him a big hug. As awkward as it was between us when I left, I had spent three years of my life with the man, more if you count the pre-relationship years.

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