Chapter Nineteen

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It didn't hit me until I saw Tom holding baby Christopher what had happened back in the waiting room: I kissed Tom Hiddleston. My best friend. Well, to be fair, he kissed me back. We kissed! Holy crap.

I was standing there watching him coo and cradle the newborn baby in a scene that would give any woman a heart-attack while my mind was at the proverbial fork in the road. I could choose to over-analyze everything and ruin this night forever, or I could push it way down deep and pass it off as a fluke that only occurred due to the situation. Mix the excitement of rushing to the hospital to meet your friends' new baby, a surprise 30th birthday party, a little bit of alcohol, and probably even a full moon, and you get some strange results. Like me kissing my best friend. My best friend that was a world-renowned actor who was currently dating another woman who was a better fit for him socially.

Crap-ola. Didn't think of Elizabeth Olsen while you were making out with her man, did you Ellie?

Before the inexcusable jealousy could take over, I buried it and focused all my attention on Sophie, not daring to look back at Tom, who was now in full Uncle Mode and singing Rock-a-Bye Baby in the loveliest, softest voice...


"How are you feeling, Sophie?" I asked.

"Exhausted and exhilarated at the same time."

"Oh, that reminds me..." I pulled her slippers from my purse and handed them over.

"See, Benedict," said Sophie, "Ellie knows what hickory looks like." Though she was speaking like herself, she sounded worn out. Almost as if she just pushed a baby out of her body.

Her husband ignored her and took Christopher back from Tom who seemed reluctant to give him up.

"Thank you both," Sophie said, though her attention was solely on her newly-expanded family.

"You're welcome. We should really be going now though." I looked over at Tom who nodded in response.

"Of course," said Sophie. "I'm sure you still have to pack for your trip."

I frowned. "Trip? What trip?"

Both Benedict and Sophie stared at Tom. He shifted uncomfortably.

"Erm... I haven't, ah..." Seeing Tom at a loss for words was always something, but this time I really wanted to know what was going on. "I haven't had a chance to give El her gift, what with the slippers and--"

"Oh no, Hiddleston. You're not putting this one on me and my baby." Sophie shook her head.

"Our baby," added Benedict.

"When will you two just..." Sophie sighed.

"I think I interrupted something when I went to find them," Benedict said, still rocking little Christopher who was being a perfect angel.

"Really?" Sophie looked shocked.

"Mate," sighed Tom, even though he had a smile on his face. "When aren't you interrupting something these days."

Meanwhile, I stood off to the side, my face as red as the ripest tomato. "Someone please tell me what I'm missing."

"Your birthday present, love," said Benedict, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Tom's taking you to Stratford-upon-Avon for a weekend holiday," finished Sophie.

"Well, a little more than a weekend," Ben clarified.

My jaw dropped a little before I looked at Tom. His right eyebrow lifted in concern, making my favorite innocent Tom expression.

"Only if you want to go," he said.

"Of course I want to go," I nearly shouted before remembering I was in the same room as a newborn baby. "But..." What about Elizabeth? I wanted to ask. What about whatever the hell it was that just happened in the waiting room? What about work? What about the fact that I'm trying to suffocate the romantic feelings I have for you and going to my favorite place in the world is going to make that nearly impossible? There were so many questions, so many concerns. But I couldn't voice any of them in that moment. Because the truth was... returning to the place where we first met was the most perfect gift he could give me. It was an escape from the muddled, messed-up feelings I had for Tom here in London, and a chance to begin again in the place where it all started. And by the look he was giving me as he waited for my response, I wondered if he wasn't thinking the exact same thing.

I smiled hesitantly. "When do we leave?"

What's Past is Prologue (A Tom Hiddleston Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now