||-Chapter 01-||

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{If you want a playlist to listen to I recommend the one above, I love it to bits. The fanart I found on google, so idk who made it, but I'm in love. ENJOY!!}

Wilbur POV:

I wake up to my alarm going off. I slowly reach over to my phone and snooze the alarm and collapse back onto my bed.

5 minutes later my alarm goes off again, but this time I sit up, turn it off, and walk to the bathroom connected to my room. I turn the sink on, wash my hands and throw some water onto my face. I reach over and turn the tap off, then grab the hand towel on the wall and dry my face and hands.

I undress and hop into my shower, rinsing and washing myself before turning off the shower and hoping out.

I quickly dry myself, then wrap the towel around my waist. Walking over to the mirror again, I stare at myself for a couple of minutes, debating what to do with my hair.

I grab my comb, quickly brush through my messy hair. making sure I keep the curls in there, so it looks good, obviously.

I walk out of my bathroom, towel still around my waist, and go digging through my dresser. I find a yellow sweatshirt and black ripped jeans. I add some black and white sneakers and change into them.

I study myself in the mirror once again, fixing up my hair, because putting on my sweatshirt had messed up my perfectly placed curls.

"Perfect," I tell myself.

I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste and start brushing my teeth. Once I finish brushing my teeth, I put my toothbrush back and walk out to my kitchen. I slowly start to pack my bag for school.

I make myself a sandwich, and I add that to my bag. Chuck in a bag of potato chips, a juice box, some Goldfish, and carrot sticks. Whatever had been left out for me to take to school.

I knew that I probably wouldn't eat most of the food but who cares.

As I was walking down the stairs and into the living room, I could hear Tommy and Tubbo playing Mario Kart. My mother must be at work.

I grab my bag, say goodbye to my siblings and my father, and walk out the front door. 

Quackity POV:

I slowly got out of bed, growing tired of the deafening sound of silence. I made my way to the bathroom at the end of the hallway and started my daily routine. Brush hair, shower, brush teeth, get dressed, brush and blow-dry hair again.

I grabbed a couple of random things from my cupboard and made myself a sandwich and chucked them into my old schoolbag.

I grabbed a slightly dirty bowl from the drawer and poured my favourite cereal into it. I then grab the milk from out of the fridge and pour it into the bowl with my cereal. I then put the milk into the fridge and put the cereal box back into the cupboard. I reached into the drawer that has my cutlery in it and grab a spoon and sit in the loungeroom to enjoy my breakfast.

When I'm done, I throw my now empty bowl into the sink. I then look at the clock on the wall - 8:03 - and debate what to do with my spare time. I decide that going to the cafe down the road wouldn't hurt and grab my keys, my school bag and whatever else I'll need for school. I then walk out the front door and lock it. I slide into the driver's seat of my car and start the engine. I back out of my driveway and drive to the cafe.

At the cafe I walk to the counter and order my usual - I was a regular there - and plan to sit in a booth near the massive windows, but someone seems to already be there. The someone is a tall guy - around 6'3 {I KNOW WILBUR IS TECHNICALLY 6'5 BUT IN MOST FANFICS HE'S 6'3 AND I THINK IT FITS BETTER DONT GET MAD PLEASE} - wearing a yellow sweater and ripped black jeans. I walk over to him.

~ Sweetheart, I would kill for you ~ Quackbur (UNFINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now