||-Chapter 03-||

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TW: mentions of abuse, abuse

Wilbur POV:

I leave my room and make my way to our study, where my mother should still be. As I reach the doorway, I see my mother sitting at the desk, staring at the screen but not doing anything.

"Hey, mom?" I ask, knocking on the doorframe.

"What do you want? Can't you see I'm working?" She asks me, obviously annoyed at me.

"Oh, um, sorry, mom. I just wanted to tell you that I'm moving out. Probably by tomorrow," I tell her, a little scared of how she might react.

"What? Where? Why am I only just hearing about this now?" She asks, getting even angrier by the second.

"Into one of the school dorms. I'm moving in with my friend," I explain, "I've already packed, and since I know you don't like me, I'm leaving tonight. It's not really gonna change much.." She doesn't reply, just angrily looks away and pretends to be doing something else. I take that as a win, and go back to my bedroom.

"Looks like I'm leaving tonight," I say as I walk through my bedroom door.

"So it went well?" He asks me.

"Not sure, she didn't reply when I told her. She's probably really pissed though," I reply, laughing.

"That was expected," He replies, joining in with my laughter.

"Your laugh is really infectious, I love it," he tells me after a little bit.

"Really?" I ask, feeling a little flustered. Why am I flustered? I shouldn't feel flustered over such a small compliment. Why did Quackity complimenting my laugh make me feel butterflies?

Do I like Quackity?

I can't. No, I must be convincing myself of something that isn't even there.

"...Wilbur? Hello?" I stop thinking and look at Quackity.

"Oh, hi, sorry," I say.

"Whatcha thinking about?" He asks me.

"Nothing much," I say.

"Mkay. We're done packing, aren't we? Why not just leave now?" He asks.

"True. Let's go then!" I say, excited to finally be leaving the hellhole I've lived in for the past 17 years. {Making Wilbur a teen feels like a crime, honestly.} We grab my bags and take them outside, unlocking my car and putting the bags into the back seat. I go back inside to tell my mother that I'm leaving now, but she's already there, waiting for me. She lifts her hand, as if she's about to slap me, and I let her do so. Her hand hits me like a car hitting a brick wall, and my cheek immediately turns red and starts stinging insanely. I don't react in any way and let her hit me a couple more times. When she goes to hit me for the fifth time, I grab her arm and pull it to her side.

"You do know I'm gonna get you in prison for this?" I tell her.

"Oh, but you wouldn't dare, though. I know you, Wilbur, and you care too much about me to do so," she says, acting like I'm an innocent little child.

"Oh, but mother, you don't know what I can, and most definitely will, do to you. You spent my entire life abusing me, that's plenty of years in prison," I tell her. I give her a fake smile and leave. She screams after me, trying to convince me I love her too much to be able to get her arrested. I ignore every one of those comments and close the front door behind me.

Quackity runs up to me once I'm outside, looking concerned.

"Wilbur, what happened? Your entire face is red, and your eye looks like it's gonna bruise!" He tells me, obviously very concerned about me.

"I'm fine. I feel a little bad about leaving my brothers, though. I know Techno will try to keep them safe, but I can already tell Tommy's gonna get all of mom's shit now I'm gone." I tell him.

"That makes sense. We can always let them stay with us, there is three extra rooms in the dorm, and a lounge room," He tells me.

"That would be great. My brothers would love you," I tell him, happy that Quackity is there for us.

"Of course! We've been friends for like 24 hours but I already feel like I'm a part of your family," He says, "Your one of the best people I've ever met, and I feel like you know more about me than any of my other friends, except for maybe Karl," He says.

"No way. It's been a little over 24 hours since we met!" I point out.

"Yes way. It feels like I've known you for forever, honestly," Quackity tells me, getting slightly flustered as he said it.

"I'm gonna be honest as well, it really does feel like we've been friends since life started," I admit, laughing awkwardly afterward. He smiles at me, his face slightly pink. I don't take much notice, though, and we take our seats in my car as I start the engine and we leave my house.

Hi! I know that this chapter is a lot shorter than my other ones, but I felt that this was a good spot to end it. I think I'm gonna get a posting schedule, so I don't take too long to post again. I'm gonna go back and edit chapter 01 because there's a couple things wrong with Quackity, because I wasn't really planning the dorm thing when I made the first chapter.

If anyone wants to suggest things for me to add, or if anyone wants to help write this story with me, I will very happily allow you too. I would love to write a story with someone, whether it's this one or another one, so if you wanna do that, message me!

Don't forget to eat and drink something, and make sure you're getting enough sleep.

{Word Count - 982}

-Jace <3

~ Sweetheart, I would kill for you ~ Quackbur (UNFINISHED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن