Hero's First Day

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While Spider-Man fights the villain with Kamui Woods, a boy with black hair and shark-like teeth watches with a big smile on his face before the villain was finally knocked out and Spider-Man swings off.

"Woah, when did Spider-Man come to Japan." The boy says watching the web head swing away.

He turns back to the webs that used to be attached to Mt. Lady and somehow smiles even wider.

"Just like Crimson Riot, saving the innocent without a single thought." He was going to say more but someone calls to him.

"Kirishima! Let's go, class is about to start."

He turns around and sees his friends waving to him.

"Sorry!" he shouts back before running towards them.

his friend with brown hair laughs and smacks him upside the head. Dude you've got a problem with heroes that wear red."

"What do you mean?" Kirishima asks while rubbing the back of his head.

"First Crimson Riot now Spider-Man who's next Endeavor."

"Nah Endeavour doesn't wear red, it's orange and black" his other friend with black hair says walking next to the brown haired kid.

"Well then who Iron Man?"

"No he's dead."

"Fine, what about Edge Shot?"

"Yeah he's cool."

After a while the conversation turned from making fun of Kiri to talking about which hero would win in a fight.


Spider-Man could be seen swinging through the city catching the eye of everyone on the street, some of them take pictures of him and others record videos, he eventually stops on top of a building to rest.

He takes off his backpack that he forgot he had and grabs his lunch, he opens the paper bag and takes out the PB&J that he made earlier. Izuku lifted up his mask a little bit and was about to take a bite but he was interrupted by K who appeared beside him.

"Hey what's green and has wheels." she asks with a sly smirk.

"K not right now I wanna eat." Izuku responds before taking a bite of his PB&J and sits on the edge of the building.

"Come on answer please."

"I don't know, a green bike?" he says with a mouth full of bread.

"GRASS! I lied about the wheels!" she shouts, making him choke on his sandwich in laughter.

She laughs as he struggles to breathe. He eventually spits out his sandwich and coughs. "Still not funnier than dad jokes."

"Well then I will find something funnier than dad jokes." She declares raising her transparent fist in the air while Izuku finishes his sandwich.

While Spider-Man was packing up he heard gunshots go off.

"Perfect timing, mysterious shooter." Izuku mumbles before putting his backpack back on and leaping off the building and swinging towards the noise.

When he arrives Spider-Man drops on the shooter with a kick but the villain grabs his ankle and throws him to the ground.

Izuku lands on his hands and pushes back to get some space, now that the villain's attention is on him Spider-Man can finally get a good look at the shooter.

The villain looks to be entirely made of metal with white gray and black colors and ammo bags around his waist.

"Hold on, don't tell me." Spidey says before dodging multiple bullets.

The Spider Saga Year 5 (Izuku Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now