Chapter 2--- Getting to know each other

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Jessica's p.o.v

After a while of just standing around looking in each other's eyes he said

" We need to get to know each other " I smiled and looked down

" Yes, yes we do " I said while sitting him down on the bench

" So what is your favorite color" He asked

" Purple what's yours " I replied

" Blue " he said.

" What's your favorite thing to do " I asked him

" Run in the woods "

" Wow that's my favorite thing to do as well. We asked a lot of question and we have a lot in common. It soon started to get dark and I need to get back home before my mom and dad flip out on me

" I have to go, it's getting late " I said while standing up

" Let me walk you home " Leo said while grabbing my hand

" Ok " I said and we started walking

" So I was thinking that maybe this Friday night we can go out on a date" He said nervously

" I would love that " I replied with an smile on my face

" And maybe on Saturday or Sunday we can meet each other's parents" He said

" That sounds like a great idea " I replied. We finally made it to my house

" This is it " I said

" Its beautiful" he said

"Thank you " I replied. We walked up to my door step but before i could open the door he turned me around and kissed me. Then pulled away

" I will see you later " He said while backing up

" Yup " I said and I watched him run back in the woods I'm guessing to his house. As I was walking upstairs my parents stopped me

" You got some explaining to do young lady " My dad said in a harsh tone

" Where was you at " My mom said crossing her arms

" You would never guess what happened to me " I said with a smile

"Why was you late" My mom said calmly

" Ummm how can I put this " I said thinking of a way to shorten the story I'm about to tell

" Ok miss Jessica, first we let you have a nice little run two hours before dinner, then not one nor two but five hours after dinner and two hours after your curfew u come in the house like nothing happened, and that boy who was he" My dad yelled at me

" Sweetie you need to tell your dad now before he gets mad" She said kind of scared of what my dad might do

" Yes you do need to tell me right now" He said.

" Mom, Dad I found my mate as I went for a run and that was him he walked me home he wanted to make sure I was safe" I smiled just thinking about him

" Why didn't you say so " My mom said

" I don't know, oh before I forget can I got out with him on Friday night

" Yes you can sweetie " My mom said " Right honey "

" Yes you can go out on Friday night with the boy" he said

" Thank you so much oh and his name is Leo and you will be meeting him soon" I told them while I ran upstairs to my room.

Leo's p.o.v.

After I took Jessica home I went straight home. I couldn't wait to tell my mom and dad about what just happened to me. I walked in the house and sat on the couch with my parents

" I found her " I said while smiling

" You found who son " my dad said

" My mate she is so beautiful " I said as they stared at me

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