Chapter 5

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~~~~~skip to lunch~~~~~

Mason 's p.o.v

At lunch I sat at my usual table with my friends Jason, and Derek, and there mate's Melissa, and Angelina. I wish I can find my mate but it never happens to me. Everyone else around me finds there mate before me and I'm the oldest I thought the oldest wolf gets to find there mate first but I was wrong. Right now my friends and there mate's are kissing, making up nick names for each other, touching and stuff like that. Looking at them not only made me want to puke but it also made me mad. How you ask well what if Leo is touching and kissing on my sister like that. He better not put his dirty little hands on her. I turned around having my back face my friends and scanned the cafeteria with my eyes to see If I can spot my sister. Nothing, all I hear is other people's laughter and conversation. Uggggg...... where could they be. Just as I was thinking about the possible places they could be, they came in the cafeteria hand in hand laughing, and giggling, as much as I didn't like the sight of that I didn't want to embarrass my little sister, even though it sounds like a good plan I won't do it. I turned back in my chair facing my friends Jason and Melissa once again were sucking each others faces off.

" Eww get a room " I said throwing french fries at them

" Oh shut up your just mad you don't have a mate " Melissa said which she should've said

" Girl you in trouble now " Angelina said to Melissa

" You better run " Derek added to Angelina's comment

" Wait a minute Mason please don't do nothing to my girlfriend she didn't mean what she said, in sure she is sorry " Jason explained.

" Yes truly sorry " Melissa said while looking scared. I guess the expression on my face scared her. I don't mean to scare anybody with the looks I give them but I'm just that way

" It's ok I wasn't going to do anything to you, you don't have to look so scared" I told her. She took a deep breath in relief.

" Oh thank you I thought you was going to kill me " she said

" And why would I do that to one of my friends, but next time I won't be able to control my anger and I might take it out on you ok " I explained

" Trust me I won't ever say that again " She said. I went back to eat in my food while they were sucking each other's faces off again. I got tired of sitting there with no one to talk to, so I got up and went to my next class early. As I sat down in my seat I couldn't help but wonder when am I going to find my mate. Do I even have a mate. Will she be drop dead gorgeous. No having a mate or w serious girlfriend sucks. I mean I have had plenty of girlfriends but they never took things serious or even slow. Whatever I will find my mate when the time is right

Jessica's p.o.v

I sat at my normal table with Leo. Yes I don't sit with other people usually I sit by myself, I didn't make any friends here. So I'm just sitting with Leo.

" So what you doing after school today " Leo asked me

" Oh nothing but homework " I answered

" How about we go out " He suggested

" Where would we go " I asked

" I don't know the park maybe my house " He said

" Wait are your parents going to be home " I asked worried I don't want to meet his parents

" Your in luck because the are not there they won't be there in 2 weeks" he answered

" Well, after I'm done with homework you can come and pick me up " I said

" Or you can do your homework over my house " He said.

" I'll have to ask my parents " I told him. We finished eating then I saw Mason leave out the cafeteria he looked aggrieved an mad. I wonder what's up with him. Soon the cheerleaders come to the table I was at

" What do you want " I asked. Just to fill you in I never liked the cheerleading team at all, only for one reason. They bully me everyday since freshmen year. They call me ugly, push me around, take my stuff. I hate them

" We want, I mean I want him Leo " The head cheerleader Jade said with a slick smile. I got mad real mad. Not only I hate her but she is way prettier than me an I bet that Leo would do anything to get into her pants just to think of it any guy would.

" Oh really " Leo said

" Yes really " Jade said flirting. The messed up part about this is that I'm sitting right here next to Leo an he is flirting away with Jade. I felt hurt and sad. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran out the cafeteria into the girls bathroom and cried I can't believe this. My mate, the boy that's supposed to love me, who I'm supposed to love and be with for the rest of my werewolf life is out there flirting with my bully and the school slut. I cleaned up and went to my next class soon Leo came in happy as ever and sat next to me.

" Where did you go I was looking all over for you" He said I didn't reply

" Baby I did not do anything with her after I saw how much you felt hurt I mad sure left me alone for good " He spoke again. I just kept quiet and did my work. He kept trying to talk to me but I just ignored him.

~~~~~ At the end of the day~~~~~~

School was finally over. I wen to my locker to put my books in it when I over heard Leo's and Jade's conversation

" All I wan is for to stay away from me because of you the love of my life won't talk to me" Leo said

" Oh come on what does she have that I don't " Asked Jade

" My heart, self respect, and beauty " He answered

" Then way was you flirting with me at lunch" She asked

" I wasn't flirting I was just being nice" He explained. With Jade stormed off. Soon Leo looked in my direction and ran up to me. I walked outside with him following close by

" Jessie wait up, Jessie, Jessie, Jessica. Stop and listen to me" He order finally catching up to me

" Baby I know your mad but you can't do this to me ok " He said

" What are you talking about " I asked

" Ok, since you can't seem to see that I wasn't flirting with her I'm just going to tell you " He took a deep breath before he continued " I love you with all my heart okay I don't want her I only want you. That's not good enough is it , well how about I give you any thing you want money, jewelry, a house " He said

" It's..." He cut me off so he can speak

" How about you can meet my parents and we can get married and have a bunch of children" He suggested

" It's..." He cut me off once again

" Or maybe we can leave and run away........." I grabbed his shirt, pulled him towards me and crashed my lips into his before he could finish. And right before he could kiss back or do anything else I pulled back and let go of his shirt.

" You talk to much, like I was going to say. I heard what you said to Jade early about how you wasn't flirting with her and I'm sorry for over reacting I just don't won't to lose you to her my bully and..." This time he cut me off with a kiss. His soft lips collided with mine in sync. He put so much passion into and he started filling on my body. He soon stopped because we both couldn't breathe.

" Now you talk to much " He said mimicking me from earlier

" Do you for give me or not " He asked nervously

" Of course I do " I answered him with a smile

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