Chapter 4

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Jessica's p.o.v

I felt bad for what my father did to Leo's hand. He didn't have to squeeze it so tightly and give Leo one of them " I'm going to kill you if you do anything to hurt my daughter " looks he was just so harsh on him, he didn't even know him. I want Mason to be more soft on Leo I don't want Leo to run away from me, I know I jest met him yesterday but I love him already. As I was thinking what would Mason say when Leo and I get to school and he sees me with Leo walking into the school. Then I thought does Leo even go to the school, because If he did I would've found him before I went for a run in the woods. His sent would've brought me right to him or my sent would've brought him to me. I was getting more and more suspicious, anxious, and a little mad so I had to ask him......

" Leo do you even go to my school? "

" I had a feeling you was going to ask me that " he said to me not answering my question

" Alright but you still didn't answer my question. Do you or do you not go to my school? "

" To tell you the truth I don't go to the same school as you, but I don't want to be away from you, it's already bad enough I can't sleep with you, and it would be even worse if I can't be in the same school and class as you." He answered me then he took a deep breath so he can continue. " So I told my dad and mom to transfer me to your school, make sure we have the same schedule, and you get to escort me " He said while smiling

" So you did all of that just to be with me?" I asked

" Yep" He answered while popping the 'P'. Wow I never knew someone's parents can do all of that I've heard of the transfer part but all that other stuff about the same classes and me to escort him, was way to much. But He made his parents do that he must really care about me

Leo's p.o.v

When we got to the school we walked to Jessie's locker, when she was done I put my arm around her and held her books. We started walking to class talking about random things. As we was walking down the hall someone pushed me off of Jessie. It's one thing to push me off a random girl but to push me off my mate is a whole different story

" Yo dude what is your problem " I yelled at him pushing him back

" Stay away from her " he said in a very deep voice He half way growled at me

" No I will not stay away she is my girlfriend " I hollered at him. He then threw a punch but I dogged it and punched him in the gut making him fall to the ground and making him clench his stomach. He got up and was going swing when my mate came infrount of us

" Mason you idiot stop" She yelled at him

" And why should I " He yelled back at her

" You need to stop talking to her like that" I ordered

" Who told you to put your to cents in" He stepped up to me as if he was going to hit me

" I did you got a problem with that " I said threw clenched teeth

" How about we take this out side unless you to scared to go" He said in a low voice

" I will rip you apart limb from limb " I said baking up my fist

" Would you guys stop Leo this is my brother Mason, Mason this is my mate Leo " she whispered to him so no one else could hear

" Oh really you better take care of my sister because If you don't, we will have that fight " He said and pushed pass me I just growled at him

" Leo calm down " Jessie whispered to me. Hearing her voice calmed me down a little. She kissed my cheek and put my arm around he waist, that calmed me down all the way.

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