Somewhere, Somehow, Someway

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Scott's Perspective-

"Thank you!" I smiled, tipping the bus driver as I stepped off the bus.

They nodded and smiled at me as they closed the doors.

They drove off and I took a deep breath as I stepped into the bus stop hood.

This was it.

I was finally on my own.

I smiled again as I took out my phone and plugged in the address to my aunt's home.

I then plugged in my earbuds and started walking.

I started playing 'A Beautiful Sea' by Sing Street and looked to my right.

The beach was right there.

I can walk to the beach from my aunt's house.

The urge to go run to the beach was great, but I had to get home and settled in.

I can explore tomorrow. I thought to myself as I continued walking.

I looked around at the city.

I always loved getting that feeling that you were...a part of something.

That you were just a normal person with a normal life and that everyone was a part of this whole...society.

I walked across the street and saw two people talking in a car that was stopped for me.

There was a boy who looked to be around my age.

He had dirty blonde hair and a green hoodie on.

He was talking to a woman who had pink hair and I assumed they were dating or something like that.

I made eye contact with the boy, and he smiled and waved to me.

I smiled and waved back and then continued walking.

I loved to wonder how someone's life was going right now.

Someone may be having the best time of their life, like me, starting a new chapter, or they may be having the most stressful, horrible day ever.

I stopped my music as I walked up to my aunt's house.

Aunt Susan.

My uncle died a couple of years ago, but she was still going strong.

She loved to make things and get outside.

She was in her mid-40s and had white hair that had streaks of lavender in it.

She was the one who convinced me to dye my hair cyan.

She had a daughter, my cousin, whose name is Harmony.

She was 7 and loved bugs.

I never really understood why, but she always seemed fascinated by animals.

She says that she wants to be a vet or an explorer when she's older.

She had brown hair with two pink streaks in it.

She normally wore convers that she drew all over, shorts, and a t-shirt that had an animal on it.

I took a deep breath and knocked on her door.

I heard it unlock and my aunt smiled at me, "Scott!"

She embraced me into a tight hug.

"Hi aunt Susan!" I smiled hugging back.

"How've you been? I can't believe you're already going to college! I hear the university is great!" She said, "Come in, come in! You must be exhausted from the flight."

I Was Going Somewhere. Somewhere To Find YouWhere stories live. Discover now