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Main characters are supposed to be interesting in Kumiko's opinion.

The person you follow in this deranged world needs to make you wish to continue and not constantly hate that you are the person they're following. The main character gives perspective on the world they're going through, they're your lens through the deranged place you are supposed to be wandering around.

Don't get her wrong, Gakushuu Asano was an interesting figure... yet so terribly boring when it comes to personality. Doesn't help that he's the principal's son.

That's why it was a surprise he didn't snitch on her when she 'accidentally' spilled a soda on someone who thought it was a good idea to try to steal her book.

Her ebony hair that was tied in a ponytail was slightly ruffled as she leaned against the concrete wall. Eyes narrowing at a red-colored figure, the red contrasted the grey view she has accustomed to. Even now, the red was off-putting.

Looking up, she saw the bored look of her current savior. He was clearly displeased due to the red growing from his heart but it was a mere stain, nothing grew but amused her as well. His eyes seemed to be sparkling from the sight behold, was he mocking her?

"I won't tell the principal of this encounter since we can't have a bullying case be reported so early on in the school year. Just don't do it again or else there will be consequences." His tone was serious but at the same time, dishonest.

Clearly, this isn't the first time. She shook her head, she'll wallow in this later, and prepared to grab the book that was right next to her thankfully.

Her hand grasped her hardcover, but instead, she met the warm touch of another's hand. She raised her gaze to meet the owner of said hand, who stared at her passively.

Her pursuer, the reason why she was ruffled, to begin with, seemed to be terrified. Sweat ran down his face as his breathing got faster. She didn't miss the exchanging looks between her and Asano, what seems to be the problem? Was it because he seems like a colossal dick? Probably.

Thankfully enough the stare-off seemed to end as he ran away. Asano pulled her up, staying next to her while she dusted away her skirt and removed her ponytail to fix it. Gathering her hair and courage, she asked why he helped her.

He paused for a bit and seemingly gave it a thought. It didn't phase her that he had to think exactly why he had to help someone being bullied— because he would be the type to be the reason why someone's bullied. Her fingers separated so she could tie her hair but her eyes were still trained on her classmate.

"It would just be a hassle to make you an enemy."

That's his reason? Fucking bitch could've been at least subtle.

Kumiko stared at him for a solid minute and shrugged. She was still in a daze at his answer but nonetheless, she offered him a hand, "Thanks for not making me look like a joke. Do you need anything in return?"

His red stain was still there yet he nodded and replied that he wanted a soda. What a simple request for someone who was supposed to be the main character of this story. She agreed and they walked to the nearest vending machine that was on the floor under them. It was peaceful but she was still in a daze.

Her left hand was holding her book as her right simply rested on her side. Her heart was still beating quietly, the encounter catching her by surprise. She looked back at the empty soda can and its contents spilled on the floor.

No one will know what happened in that hallway aside from her, Asano, and that asshole. They'll just wonder why there's a spilled soda and walk away. Some will feel immense distress over it like the poor person who will probably clean it up through the goodness of their heart. And then there's him. The main character of the story.

His serious eyes and perfectly suited aura made him the ideal protagonist. Good-natured (debatable), curious but not naive (true), and allows you to get a feel of the world which is something he lacks. It makes it false. If he really is the color grey then why does he still have the color red? Her eyes wandered towards his face.

He was handsome, undeniably so. Always held a sense of charisma and a power trip that made him popular. Perfect uniform and posture with perfect grades made him even more likable.

He was an ideal protagonist— yet it seems wrong.

'Too perfect,' Was her first thought when she met him. Staring deep into his eyes felt like being under a spotlight forcefully, obviously curious at the new student who decided to come in their second year.


Curiosity also can be subtle but she just chose to be obvious because she's petty that way.

Kumiko decided that once she saw a girl confessing to Asano behind the cafeteria that maybe she'll understand why he's the main character instead of her. Her finger opened the can of her soda as she heard the girl say her beautiful confession to the strawberry blonde who had her spotlight. What was the count for his confessions for the day? There was 1 this morning and 2 during the break so was this the fourth?

It was odd that she didn't understand why he was so popular, honestly, she thinks he was kind of a joke.

Her head rested on the grey wall while she sipped on her drink. She heard him reject the poor girl; the way he said he was sorry, that he 'wasn't looking for a relationship right now made her grip on the aluminum can tighten. 'Bullshit,' Kumiko thought, he always led them on. Sakakibara was worse in that category but at least he pulls through with dating them and just dumps them a week after.

Kumiko listened a bit more when the girl started whimpering, knowing that rejection must hurt. How long had she liked the guy? Kumiko guessed it's been a while or maybe it was the love at first sight type of thing. But why was she even thinking about this? She hasn't confessed to anyone in her goddamn life.

She sipped on her drink some more when she heard Asano consoling her. She looked a little bit to the side to see the sight, he was patting her back with her head resting on her shoulder. Something was off, maybe it was off because he was looking right at her as he consoled the crying girl. He had the audacity to smile once she furrowed her eyebrows and walked away with one thought.

Asano Gakushuu is just a walking representation of bullshit.


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