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For some reason, the moon decided to blow up.

Kumiko was resting on their couch with a bowl of fried rice, watching her uncle take frantic calls from who knows what. In all honesty, her fried rice was something she didn't wish to eat at the moment since her uncle was panicking since he was quickly called to the office to deal with whatever was going on.

She finally took a bite of her rice once her uncle left who had the tendency to say goodbye as well. Good uncle, very nice uncle. She quickly looked back at her television to see the news that was discussing this event. Blowing again on another bite, she focused her eyes on the picture of the now permanent crescent of the moon.

'This is going to the history books for sure.' She thought, grabbing her phone to see why her phone kept on buzzing since earlier.


"Have you seen the news?"

It was Gakushuu Asano, everyone you can now clap.

"Of course," she took another bite of her rice. "Me and my uncle were watching TV, did you know that 'Sonic Ninja' is getting a new movie soon?"

Kumiko could hear the movement of papers from the other line, maybe his notebooks? He's a nerd so he was definitely studying.

"I barely heard the first part of your sentence. Please finish swallowing your food before continuing and secondly I don't even keep up with 'Sonic Ninja' so how does this help with our conversation? Anyways back to the reason why I called you, do you know if your uncle has an idea why it happened?"

'Bitch.' Kumiko thought, glancing back at her TV. "No, but he was called in just a few minutes ago due to it."

Gakushuu Asano was terribly nosy that Kumiko learned when they started being acquainted with one another. Whether it was personal or work related, he wanted to know. It was annoying but you can't really say no to him sometimes.

Keyword: sometimes. She knows that her uncle won't like it if she just tells state secrets to some bozo from her school.

"Even if I knew, why would I tell you? You could get arrested if it was leaked."

"Don't worry, I'll drag you with me if that were the case."

She rolled her eyes at that, "Is that all you're going to ask me?" Kumiko needed to do some more homework before going to bed so she wanted to end this call as soon as possible. "I need you to send some documents to the faculty tomorrow because I have to ask something with my father regarding midterms."

"Noted." She ended the call after that and started cleaning up to wrap up the night.

It took her a while to realize that the moon just exploded.


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