I am so sorry.

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Hi there. Bet you never expected me to be back huh?..

My name is Sage. This story is something ive hated for- a long long time now. Its been years. Im now 16 years old, at the time of making this story I was around 12. Let me explain. 

I am so sorry to Bryan, Jake, Brandeen all the people ive involved into this disgusting story. Truly. 

I was one of those kids that got early internet access which resulted in my 10 year old self to get groomed online for about a year. It made me feel mature and that this was normal. I was hypersexualized at age FUCKING 11. So by the time I made this story, I already had that hypersexualized mindset in place. Im so sorry for the people I made uncomfortable with this story. 

I unpublished the brandeen and brick chapter, because that one was outright vile. Rereading it makes me sick, as it was clear r*pe. 

I do wonder that, out of all the stories, this one was the one to get popular. To get support. To all the other little kids who enjoyed reading this story for some reason, please have this realization like I did. I know I shipped characters in a minecraft story, but that minecraft story still had real people playing them and I crossed a line that should not have even been near crossing. Im not going to delete this story though, however. I think this mistake should be recognized and made for all to see and acknowledge rather then run away and hide. I do plan on working on different, other stories with perhaps my own characters.

Thank you for your support, but I dont want any support for this story anymore. You can support me as a person, but do not encourage this to go on. 

Thank you for your time. 

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