Jake x Brayan (Fluff/Lemon?)

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Jakes POV

I stared down at myself in the water, the oracle had to have been lying! I am worthy of the trident, and I'll prove it. The challenge will be in 1 week, and I can hardly contain myself. If I win this, Ill finally be better then my brother at something. I have all the allies I need, Brandeen, Brick, Mrs. Kay, Bri, and Bryan. My stomach suddenly felt warm as the image of Bryan fighting side by side with me came into mind. The night me and Bryan had 2 days ago had been the best experience in my life. It had made me feel like we were the only ones alive. The boat ride had been such a magical experience, like a whole new world had just been opened. Ever since I had been noticing strange feeling emitting from me. Whenever I'm around Bryan I feel hot and as if butterflies were dancing in my chest.  I was lost in my thoughts and before I knew it, the sun was setting and I was drooling a little. I realized this and wiped the drool off my chin, I sat up and headed back to the cabin slowly. What was wrong with me? Why have I been like this? Ugh! I need answers! Before I could finish another thought, I felt someone or something bump into me and I fell straight to the ground. "Ow!" I said rubbing my head, "Oh! I'm so sorry Jakey Poo! Here lemme help you up." I noticed it was Bryan without having to even look up, due to his voice. I grabbed his hand as he lend it out, uh oh, I started to feel warm again! Once I was up I just stared into his beautiful brown silky eyes. His face gave a slight hue of pink as he cleared his throat, "Well uh, are you okay?" I nodded. "I was just about to go back to the-" I was cut off by him making a gasp like sound. "Oh yeah! Thats right, so I came looking for you because our uh... our cabin is infested with bee's..." I blinked a couple times before replying, "Wait what." He gave a nervous chuckle, "yep... we need to sleep somewhere else I guess until we figure a way to get rid of the bee's." I sighed, we could go to my secret base, but then he would know where that was and I don't want that... oh screw it! I went into a hushed voice, "I know somewhere we could go." he glanced at me suspiciously, "where?" he asked knowing it was probably secret due to my whispering voice. I started to walk in the direction of my secret base, I beckoned him over, "Come on, follow me." He walked right behind be the whole time we went the way towards the secret base. Once we got there, he squinted his eyes "Bish I don't see anything" he said in a humorous tone. I laughed, "Look in the water" I said as my laughter died down. He took one glance in the water and shivered, "We're going to have to get wet? Ughh! Jakey Poo why cant we just go bunk with someone else." I sighed, "Well, do you really want to have to share a room with another person" I said stepping into the water. He sat thinking for a moment before shaking his head, "No not really, but is this-" I did not want to hear his complaints anymore so I just grabbed him and took him into the water. At first he freaked out not knowing what the hell just happened, then not after long he relaxed and let me guide him to the base. 

Once we got inside he gave a huge huff of air, "Oh yes, air!" He said out loud. I chuckled as I lead him upstairs to one of the more recent rooms I had added, a living room with a fully functional T.V, "Let sit and watch something, I don't have any beds in here but I do have blankets and a couch, so its either we both sleep on the couch, one sleeps on the couch and the other on the floor with blankets or we both sleep on the floor with blankets." He smirked, "I like the idea of us sleeping on the couch together~" I gulped and I felt the heat rising to my face, "W-well yeah, that is a good idea I guess because we both don't want to sleep on the floor, and its a pretty big couch." My face was completely red as I imagined me and Bryan on the couch together snuggling and doin.... other stuff... OH GOD WHY AM I THINKING THIS WAYYYY! Bryan gave a loathing glance at me before grabbing my hand and pulling us to the couch to sit down. We both sat down, Bryan gave me a remote controller, "You can pick" he said reassuringly, I nodded. I decided on a show called 'Jane the Virgin', Bryan gasped, "I love this show! The romance in it is spot on and so much drama! I didn't know you were into that kinda stuff Jakey poo~" he scooched closer to me and I started to feel butterflies again. "I'm n-not... I just thought you would like this show thats all!" Now that was a total lie, I love watching this show!Bryan scooched even closer and said in a disbelieving voice, "Mhm yep totally." I felt our arms brush and I just looked away, trying to avoid eye contact. My face was a tomato at this point. I felt Bryan slowly grab ahold of my hand, I flinched at first but then let him do it. I calmed down and I was no longer tense near him, he noticed this and took advantage. I felt his lips kiss on my neck, almost biting. I made a slight gasp but then quickly was replaced with a moan. I clasped my hand on my mouth to drown out my moans since he found my 'sweet spot'. He slowly got on top of me on the couch. I stared up at him with wanting eyes, he traced his hands around my torso and I made small noises almost like moans as he touched along my body. He suddenly stopped and smirked with something glinting in his eyes. "I guess we should stop now Jakey poo~" I felt disappointment welling up inside of me, "Wait why?" I asked confused why he stopped. He got up and sat next to me on the couch, "Because next time, I want you to be really begging for it~" I let out a soft sigh, he leaned on me from his side and soon enough, fell asleep. I sat thinking for a moment before shrugging, oh but how I really did want more of him to touch me! Sadly not today I guess...

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